DTB / SX tour stories ?


Aug 25, 2003
I was wondering if anyone has any cool reviews or stories about seeing or meeting DTB on this tour they did with SX. I saw and met the guy's in Worcester (2nd show into the tour) and it was an awesome night. Dev was totally cool and signed all my Devy cd's and Ryan was a total dude by hanging out and talking with me for 20 min's or so. I even helped him tear down his drumkit ! He's a pretty funny guy like Devin. I met the brothers and Bryan briefly, they were hanging out in their Winnebego, but I got them to sign AE for me.

Overall I had a really cool experience meeting Devin and Ryan in particular, anyone else got any cool stories ?
I interviewed Ryan that night. It was awkward.Oh and members of Kayo Dot (one of the most progressive of prog metal bands FYI) were there to see Devin and walked out on Symphony X.
Hey Kleo706,

What was awkward about interviewing Ryan that night ? Was he cool, he seems like a totally nice guy to me....
all4dametal said:
Overall I had a really cool experience meeting Devin and Ryan in particular, anyone else got any cool stories ?

I have the RVP drums updates, and there is a funny story about five guys that travelled in a van during one month... :grin:
Well all4, in my first interview, I asked a death metal vocalist how it felt to know she could kill a duck at fifty paces with her voice. That was when I knew for sure it was coming. This time, I was filling in for someone who messed up a month prior without Ryan having been told I was coming so I didn't expect to get anywhere. In light of that, I had conceived one question and just concentrated on my classes. Naturally, I wound up in my car talking with Ryan after the set, my only guidance being the compass built into the rearview mirror.
Was Ryan cool and easy to talk to Kleo706 ? What question's did you ask, what were the answers ? Come on .......spill some beans !
What you're meant to see will be posted in the interview when it's ready. I got handed about 45 pages per class to draft so I'm not going to do it now.
kleo706 said:
Oh and members of Kayo Dot (one of the most progressive of prog metal bands FYI) were there to see Devin and walked out on Symphony X.
So what does that mean? SymphonyX sucks because Kayo Dot walked out on them? I could just as easily conclude that those guys have bad taste! Or maybe they just had somewhere they needed to be.

Thanks anyway for the info. :)
It is slightly ironic. A few Symx fans were taking the attitude that enjoying Devy meant not understanding what technicality was. Thus, people who understand it enough to play on that level walking out = ironic. And for the record... I don't think SymX sucks. I just find them hysterical and prefer to get my laughs from other sources.
Ironic? Sure, I'll buy that. It is somewhat strange that a prog metal band would leave during another prog metal band's set. I don't know what they were thinking, but if they don't like SyX that's fine. To each his own.

I don't know what you would find "hysterical" about SymphonyX. Quite honestly, I'm not really interested. If you don't like them and find them hysterical that's fine. I love their music and think they are a great bunch of guys.
For the record: I've never heard a note of Symphony X on record or live, and while I admit they don't seem like something I'd be interested in, I mainly left to get home before the snow, cause I had to haul Greg's sorry ass back to Providence.
Oh, I didn't mean that in a derogatory way. I find many things that are perfectly fine musically to be quite funny.

Oh and FalseTodd... I know these things. Just being Kleo. It's especially important that I use every resource at my disposal to be a complete dick on Devin Townsend forums. Oh and Providence is almost on my way home. You could've put Greg in my backseat and made him listen to polka.