Anyone met any of the DTB members ?


Aug 25, 2003
I was wondering, have any of you met any of the DTB members ? Are they cool ? I met Bryan Waddell (guitar player), he was a pretty quiet and chilled dude but he's all I've met other than Dev one time. Lets hear some stories....what are these guy's like ?
I've met all of them on tour in Belgium in march, and they are really cool! The Young brothers are nice guys, but they seemed quite shy...
I was in the first row, just in front of Bryan, and on "earth day", me & my mates were singing "recycle..." He heard it, looked at us and smiled... nice moment of music!
My favourite is the drummer, Ryan, a really nice person, I saw him smiling all the time, I signed his gustebook on his personnal website, and he answered me some days after!!!
BTW, after the show, they all signed my setlist... :grin:'re a lucky sonuvabitch ! Signed guestlist and the whole bit from all of DTB... Cool ! Yeah, yesterday I was talking to my friend who lives in London and he met Ryan on the All in the Family Tour 2003. He said Ryan was very easy to talk to and had no ego at all. He also signed all the solo albums for him and took a pic with him. He said Bryan and the brothers were pretty quiet but cool people. It sounds like the band are a bunch of good !
They are a bunch of good lads... Dev is sooooo nice too... He was exhausted, but he came out of the tourbus once again to sign album covers for 3(!) people who were late!!! No rockstars here... :)
I don't know if we can speak of DTB members here, but I met Dev and Tracy in 2001...They were very cool, I offered them two bottles of french wine, and Tracy mailed me in return to tell me that they drank it for christmas :)

I talk to Ryan, Dev and Tracy via email and those people are awesome...Always. I feel a bit lucky to be their web designer, Dev seemed to enjoy the DTB tee shirt artwork and they asked me to do the site...Dev is awesome, we have great projects for the HDR site...But wait and see.

Something funny, on the last DTB tour, Ryan told me that he met a lot of fans in UK, Italia, France...etc that knew me...He he he I replied him that the Devy communauty was cool and that I made some friends here and there

To finish, Omer Shaked, the AE photographer became a friend, I used some of his pics for the site of Ryan, and now I'm gonna do his website soon...

Thats cool that you have a good relationship with Dev, Tracy and Ryan. They seem like really easygoing people, thats important whether you are a friend or fan ! I can't stand goof 'Rockstars' with swollen heads ! I don't have time for the ego's !
all4dametal said:
Thats cool that you have a good relationship with Dev, Tracy and Ryan. They seem like really easygoing people, thats important whether you are a friend or fan ! I can't stand goof 'Rockstars' with swollen heads ! I don't have time for the ego's !

Yeah...I don't want to sound pretentious saying that, I don't belong to any SYL or DTB VIP group...But you're right when you use the word friend...My best memory regarding HDR and Dev especially, is this CD of AE he sent me with the word "friend" written on it...When you're an ultimate fan like me, it's like a dream....Those people are awesome, and I wish them the best for all this determination they put in their music and their business

(sounding a bit lick ass...) :grin:
Yup.......Devin worked hard for his success and it's cool he does'nt pull a rockstar attitude with people, if he did, his fanbase would decrease. It's good to hear other members in DTB are very approachable too. It's cool they're that way, because a couple seconds for them to sign an autograph or answer a couple questions is not much to ask for, thats if they're not busy at the time.