Wordclock question

Mar 11, 2005
Im currently running a MOTU 24 i/o. I have nothing that Im using that I particularly need to sync it to so how much would I benefit from a better clock source?
Im corrently looking at getting the black lion mod done to it and have pretty much decided Im getting the analogue side upgraded but when Im not syncing to anything else would I really notice the benefit of the word clock upgrade?
Im currently running a MOTU 24 i/o. I have nothing that Im using that I particularly need to sync it to so how much would I benefit from a better clock source?
Im corrently looking at getting the black lion mod done to it and have pretty much decided Im getting the analogue side upgraded but when Im not syncing to anything else would I really notice the benefit of the word clock upgrade?

i think you might notice a pretty good difference with a better clock. i have an 828mk11 and i was in the same boat as you. i was contemplating the black lion mod, but i didnt want to be without my 828 for god knows how long(even a week is too long). i took a chance and bought a lucid genx 96(i wanted a big ben but it was too pricey at the time. the lucid was $350.00:headbang: ) external clock, and it really made a difference. the lows got tighter and the highs opened up a bit. i was pleased with the result. black lion doesnt mod the converters, just the clock and analog. the analog would be a great upgrade as well. ive just read some stuff where some people were without their gear for a while and i cant chance it. good luck with it man.
Thanks for the info Ill let you know how I get on. Im thinking of getting the full mod done. I cant find any pics of the lucid genx 96 anywhere either..
DUDE the Lucid eats everything else out there that I have used for a Clock sync. it is hands down one of the best and most underrated clocks out there. for the aardvark box or even the cheaper apogee stuff the lucid RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Curran
It seems that an external clock actually doesn't improve the performance of your A/D/A. If your converter has a truly shitty clock, then you're better off just buying a better converter. When people say that they hear a noticeable improvement after installing an external wc, all they're really hearing is improved dither.

Look up Dan Lavry and/or Bob Katz to learn the science of what I'm talking about.
It seems that an external clock actually doesn't improve the performance of your A/D/A. If your converter has a truly shitty clock, then you're better off just buying a better converter. When people say that they hear a noticeable improvement after installing an external wc, all they're really hearing is improved dither.

Look up Dan Lavry and/or Bob Katz to learn the science of what I'm talking about.

So are you saying that if I get the Black Lion mod done on the MOTU its not worth getting the word clock done and just getting the analogue part done?
So are you saying that if I get the Black Lion mod done on the MOTU its not worth getting the word clock done and just getting the analogue part done?

a good clock is part of any good digital studio. if your converter has a good clock, then you are set. if your converter doesnt have a good clock, it will benefit soundwise. the motu clocks are weak. the black lion mod will upgrade the clock as well and most people have said its worth it and its logical that it would be. better clock will cut down on jitter which will most likely make an audible difference for the better. check it out for yourself. go buy an external clock and try it before you get the mod. if you dont feel it makes a difference return it. if it does you know youll need the clock upgrade or a good external clock. try it and make your own decision.
So are you saying that if I get the Black Lion mod done on the MOTU its not worth getting the word clock done and just getting the analogue part done?

Nah. If there are mods that are proven to improve the units own clock (and conversion in general), then that's the way to go.
check it out for yourself. go buy an external clock and try it before you get the mod. if you dont feel it makes a difference return it. if it does you know youll need the clock upgrade or a good external clock. try it and make your own decision.

Things may sound better, but it's not because of improved performance of your converters.

Like I mentioned, read what Dan Lavry and Bob Katz have to say regarding improved performance from external w/c's.
Thanks guys all useful stuff. I think Im going to go for the full mod. Ill put something up when Ive done it and let you knwo how it goes.
Ok sorry to keep going on about MOTU gear and wordclock but Ive just finished a session with a guitar player and just to try it we used a metric halo mobile IO as the clock source for the 24i/o im running.
I didnt realise the difference would be so obvious. I thought it would be may more subtle but its like something had been taken out of my ears just by changing the clock source!!! The top end suddenly apeared and even though none of the settings were changed the parts we were putting down seemed louder. Everything became much much clearer. I can really judge the bottom end that well due to the nature of the guitar parts.

Bollocks to the black lion mod Im saving for apogee gear now!!! Anyone wanna buy a 24i/o and an ultralite??
Ok sorry to keep going on about MOTU gear and wordclock but Ive just finished a session with a guitar player and just to try it we used a metric halo mobile IO as the clock source for the 24i/o im running.
I didnt realise the difference would be so obvious. I thought it would be may more subtle but its like something had been taken out of my ears just by changing the clock source!!! The top end suddenly apeared and even though none of the settings were changed the parts we were putting down seemed louder. Everything became much much clearer. I can really judge the bottom end that well due to the nature of the guitar parts.

Bollocks to the black lion mod Im saving for apogee gear now!!! Anyone wanna buy a 24i/o and an ultralite??
good for you man. like i said youre ears will tell you the difference. like i said, i have an 828 and the external clock made a pretty big difference. as far as apogee goes, i just added a mini dac for DA out to the monitors. this made a pretty significant difference as well. i am pretty stoked now. i cant wait to upgrade my AD in the next couple of months.
i know the basics of why a good clock is needed in a digital recording setup. ive read some of what mr. lavry and mr. katz have to say.

If you read what they are saying then you wouldn't be saying that a good clock is needed in a "digital recording setup" per se.
As Ive just found a good clock really helps things but Im also looking at better convertors as well. looks like Im picking up a big ben for a stupid price at the weekend to get things started. Ill then borrow a rosetta 800 to see how much difference that makes.