work in progress for a pop band im recording

I dig it. Its pretty crazy how many times I've mixed a loud vocal in a pop record only to have an A&R guy go "more vox". Let me know if I can get a clip to host on my site as I love how you mixed my hits in with the dfhs.
"friday night boys (work in progress)"

used slate drum samples with dfhs for the drums, 5150 with guitar hack's impulses... all the sneap forum goodies :p

most of the stuff is done, the vocals are only temporary right now though, we were running out of time and just did quick takes and slapped autotune on it to see how the vocal patterns worked

any chance to share the files for mixing practice?:notworthy
sounds great man how did you rec and mix the vocals ...very pro sounding

we just finished tracking them last night so its still kind of rough, but theres probably 12 vocal tracks total with all the doubles and harmonies in thick parts like the chorus's and stuff. each channel has its own instance of autotune and Rcomp, and they all feed into a master vocal bus that has the waves ssl comp and ssl eq, and then classik studio reverb (best reverb plug ever) with the wide vocals preset and then the mix turned down a little. i havent had too much time to fiddle around with it yet though, i still need to divide the vocal bus into separate buss's for certain parts that overlap but cant be compressed together

oh yeah, recorded through an audio technica at4050 into a presonus mp20 preamp
I think the drums sound great! They blend perfect...

Can you give me an idea of how you eq'd and compressed the drums, oh's? What dfhs cymbals are you using? And which steven slate samples are being used?
