Work In Progress..need some feedback.


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2011
Hey everyone, I'm a long time reader of the forum but a first time poster. So for starters just want to say thanks to everyone who contributes to making this place awesome.

Now to get down to business. I've been working on a project that I tracked and mixed within the past week or so and would like any feedback, good or bad. Kick and snare are blended, toms are raw with no samples and I was without proper overheads so the cymbals are a bit shaky in my opinion. Guitars are all podfarm. Wanted to reamp but the client decided they liked the tone enough already. So heres the link.

For anyone wondering the band is called After Me The Flood. They are good dudes and worth a listen.
overall sounds good to me.
only thing I would work little bit more on are drums.
snare can get better by adding some more definition. try transient designer and maybe some EQ. sounds too much washy for me.
and for the overheads... play a bit with compresion and EQ. you can cut out a bit of that harshness.
but as I said whole thing sounds very nice.
Thanks. I agree about the snare, I've actually got an updated mix that I'm liking the drums a lot more on. I've messed with a little compression on the overheads, but only a few db's in reduction for some consistency. I'm just having a hell of a time getting a sound I like without the cymbals being too harsh, or too washy. But I suppose that comes with territory of recording drums in a small room.
Adding that to the checklist. I also feel like the guitars are a bit weak but I'm having a hard time getting the singing vocals to sit just right when I beef them up a bit. I'm debating whether or not I should boost some mids in 1.5k range and possibly automate it down when the singing comes in since the screams seem to cut regardless of what I boost on the guitars.
Adding that to the checklist. I also feel like the guitars are a bit weak but I'm having a hard time getting the singing vocals to sit just right when I beef them up a bit. I'm debating whether or not I should boost some mids in 1.5k range and possibly automate it down when the singing comes in since the screams seem to cut regardless of what I boost on the guitars.

I suggest you beef them up just on parts your consider necessary for beefing up!
you mix sounds fine for me regarding guitars and if you really fell some parts would benefit from having fatter guitar sound, then automate just those parts.