work is bringing me down (advice thread)


Feb 23, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
the last week in particular i have found myself ditching work or leaving work to the last minute because i literally can't find motivation anymore. some might know that i am a coroner and pretty much spend my days amongst the dead or doing my stonemason job for the same business cutting headstones. i have been doing this for years and it just seems like that lately everything depresses me too much and not from anything in particular. i have prepared and buried friends, suicide victims and infants and up to now it hasn't really affected me. though to be fair my doctors have always been hesitant for me to continue working in this field as i suffer from a fast cycling bipolar disorder which can throw me for a six every so often.

tl;dr basically need advice on how to get on with work

i´d get a new job "if possible"..with it a new way of life would bring u up again.
Otherwise take some goodtime off.
think about it...and DO IT ...don´t just chew it up in your brain.
good luck :)
If you are unhappy with your job and don't know why, or want to find a new job but don't know how, a professional jobcoach might be helpful (if you have the money for that).
I speak from experience, as I just came back from my second coaching session today and things are looking much brighter now to me. :)

You need to find out what exactly is dragging you down and change that. Maybe it's some part of your job tasks, maybe some of the conditions you're working under, maybe you're missing a goal to work towards, there's many possibilities. A new job will only help you if those critical aspects are better there. If you have a clear picture of those, your chances for improvement are much better.
And: If you keep going the same way you currently do, you will achieve the same you currently do.

In my case, I probably won't even need to get a new job... just work on changing a few conditions that are bringing me down.

Good luck to you!
Talk about a downer job...this is probably bad but have you ever thought about being a makeup artist, like for movies, maybe zombie/sci-fi type of stuff...that's probably not too far off from what you're doing now, technically speaking.
Talk about a downer job...this is probably bad but have you ever thought about being a makeup artist, like for movies, maybe zombie/sci-fi type of stuff...that's probably not too far off from what you're doing now, technically speaking.

nah dude, i dont prepare the bodies. im the dude that gets the call to go pick them up from where they drop or crash or whatever. but i also run the crematorium burner 3 days a week and cut headstones in between those two roles.
basically i get the duty of bringing the bodies in to be prepared by someone else so i dont think makeup artist stuff would work for me ha

for the record, i sorta had a blowup at work, started arguing and yelling at work the other day and then i didnt go in for 2 days. went in yesterday hoping to get my pay check and was surprised they gave me a payrise and a bonus. that makes it harder to comprehend since ive been thinking of leaving. the pay was already great but now i get an extra $100 a week now.
choices, choices, choices.
+1. I did not have a payrise in the last 5 years with the same stupid excuse every year "hard economic times".

Funny you should mention that, they're laying people off and cutting wages left, right and center with the excuse of "hard economic times", while during the good years / boom years / whatever years they were laying people off and cutting wages with the exact same excuse.

the more things change...

I only surmised my hypothesis from what info was presented, my friend. At any rate, good luck with the job.:D

probably a bad choice of words. actual "preparing" isn't my thing. i guess a proper description would be movement/transport and preparation for disposal, not preparing the corpse for viewing or service.
sorry about my lack of diction.

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