College :\

I'm not going to philosophize about college in general but I can tell you that the apathy you are describing sounds like depression and being confused and depressed at 18 years old and in a totally new situation is completely normal. Give it a full year and see how you feel.
I'm not going to philosophize about college in general but I can tell you that the apathy you are describing sounds like depression and being confused and depressed at 18 years old and in a totally new situation is completely normal. Give it a full year and see how you feel.

Truth, we've all been there!
College isn't for everyone - I'm a firm believer of that. But a high school education doesn't get you shit anymore. If you really don't think college is right for you (give it at least a year if you're already there - the first couple months are scary and depressing - but you'll make friends and have a good time), then find a trade school and learn a trade like computer repair, HVAC work, plumbing, etc.

I just got out of school with a mechanical engineering degree, and finding a job was not the easiest thing I've ever done, but I can imagine that without a degree, finding a decent job is a lot tougher. I ended up moving halfway across the country for the job I took, but it has lead me to meet new people, experience new things and get a different persepective on life.

A college degree is nothing but a sheet of paper - but it is a gateway to a future you might never have imagined. A degree from a technical school is a piece of paper - but it can land you a good steady job and you'll be able to live comfortably. High school degrees anymore are like the mint candy dishes at a restaurant - just grab one as you leave.

It's all up to you - but I say give it a chance. The first few months are always the worst.
What do yall think of a Music Major with a Business Minor to fall back on? Or are minors completely useless now? (I'm in America by the way, so i'm paying a dickload of money for school come the university :erk:)
I wouldn't recommend it. On top of the problems with music degrees, business 'education' is to education what Muzak would be to music if it halved the listener's critical thinking abilities and actively attacked musicians for being too talented. Figure out something technical that works well with your interests and motivation and stick to that.

Where are you planning on studying?

Taking any music classes that catch your eye as electives seems like a far smarter idea! (and incidentally exactly what I did :D) I majored in Land Use Planning, which seemed like an interesting enough potential day job, and I had a great experience interning at a county Planning Department last summer - unfortunately the well of employment in that field is a bit dry these days as most of the departments are local government-funded, but there are a lot of private companies (contracted by towns/villages that can't afford their own full-time planning staff) that I'm gonna investigate!
Who's paying for it, you or your parents? Because if it's your parents I would buckle down, get good grades, and just be thankful that they care about you that much to shell out that kind of coin for you.

PS - I am a parent, and if my kid said "Dad, I know you had to sell a kidney to science, start a meth lab in the basement, and commit a few murders to afford my education, but I'm not feeling it and I want to give up", I would beat the ever living shit out of him, and after the bruises healed, I would send his ungrateful ass back to school.

PS - I wouldn't really do that to my kid, but I would definitely be very dissappointed.

PS - nevermind what I just said... ;)
I was in a similar position a year ago. I have been going to school (sophomore now) for business and wanted to pursue music. So, at first I decided to take theory I. I passed and I think I ended up getting an A, but I KNEW that's not what I wanted to do. I love music, but cannot get a formal degree in it. I don't see a point unless you wish to teach. You can learn just as much through meeting people, reading books, and playing while you better yourself and invest in another practical degree. I am getting a business degree, and hopefully can get somewhere in the industry one day.
Who's paying for it, you or your parents? Because if it's your parents I would buckle down, get good grades, and just be thankful that they care about you that much to shell out that kind of coin for you.

PS - I am a parent, and if my kid said "Dad, I know you had to sell a kidney to science, start a meth lab in the basement, and commit a few murders to afford my education, but I'm not feeling it and I want to give up", I would beat the ever living shit out of him, and after the bruises healed, I would send his ungrateful ass back to school.

PS - I wouldn't really do that to my kid, but I would definitely be very dissappointed.

PS - nevermind what I just said... ;)

Ultimately the kid pays for it in the long run, but I agree if your parents are busting balls to help pay like my dad is, I feel nothing but shit when I suck in school. So I try and get shit done because I know we are BOTH paying ridiculous amounts of cash for this shit.