WORK OF ART: Framework

The new HEAT rules. I can't see liking Address the Nation but not liking Tearing Down the Walls.

I'm in 100% agreement with you on this one. I really liked Address the Nation, but I think Tearing Down the Walls is even a higher step up for them. Plus, I don't think the album has any fillers.
My worthless opinion is that HEAT has turned in a good follow up to ATN but it's nowhere near as good. It sounds too boybandy with guitars for me.

Now that I can see. There's a fine line between rock and the Backstreet Boys. I think HEAT stays on the rock side, if barely. Reckless Love on the other hand ought to have synchronized dance moves.
yeah I got a very Britney Spears/Backstreet Boys vibe from that album.

What I think really hooked me for ATN is "In and Out of Trouble" and it's badass saxophonery. Then I stayed for the rest and it turned out to be almost as good.
Yep the album is truly a work of art. A band was never so aptly named. Having said that I still don't think it's better than the last album. That album had some spectacular tunes. This album has plenty of 'em too but they were more spectacular on the previous cd. However both albums are better than the debut cd which was already great. One thing I noticed is that the guitar is a touch heavier now and also the album was far bouncier and upbeat with not much introspection at all. For me it is the best AOR album of the year having usurped the Seven disk. My fave songs are Shout Til You Wake Up, Can't Let Go, Over The Line, The Machine...or should I say The Fucking Machine lol!! Oh and Natalie. They always have a girl's name song and it always rules.
I just saw these guys at the Melodic Rock Fest on Friday, and they were fantastic! This was my first time attending the fest, even though I live so close to where it's been held for the two previous installments. The ticket price was always the issue for me, as I enjoy a lot of the AOR that I've heard, but I never dove deep enough into it to be willing to part with my hard-earned cash for it like I do with progressive and power metal. When I saw the lowered ticket prices for this year's fest, however, I couldn't pass on what looked like a great opportunity to immerse myself in this style of music. That said, Work of Art was worth twice the price of admission alone! Their songs are perfectly crafted, the guitar leads are absolutely delectable, and the singer is flawless. I know that this style of music is met with a lot of indifference in this country, but if any band deserves to break big over here, it's these amazing Swedes.

Speaking of Swedes, the party just didn't stop with H.E.A.T.! I couldn't help but think, "Those 12-year-olds fucking rock!" Okay, so only the bassist really looks like a 12-year-old, but you get my drift.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'm incredibly jealous Albert.....I'm a BIG AOR guy and would have loved this show. Any other reviews of bands that you enjoyed??
I've been listening to this in the car all week. It's really good. It's got some excellent uptempo tracks on it. Standout so far though is the midtempo "I'll Shout 'till You Wake Up". There's something very Toto about that one.