Work related stuff

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Went back over a year and nothing about this, so here's a new thread.

This is for general bitching or talking about jobs in general

So I was informed yesterday that I was not chosen to fill a particular slot in another department at work (yet again) and today I sent the hiring manager an e-mail asking what I could do in the interim to improve my chances at securing a position like that in the future/things I'm missing that would help me have better odds of getting better jobs in the future.

The last time I sent an e-mail like this I didn't get a response (but it probably says something about the character of the hiring manager to whom it was sent), so we'll see what happens this time. She seemed nice in the interview so maybe she'll be more obliged to provide me with details (or if she isn't, direct me to HR or whatever).

Anyway, that makes 8 times I've applied for transfer and 7 rejections (or similar outcomes):

1 job offer (my current position and I went there from the mail room)
2 no consideration (either I didn't have the exams they wanted or they already had someone else in mind for the position)
5 rejections after interviews

I will be there 2 years in October.

I guess I was naive thinking meritocracies still exist, but whatever.
Start looking for a different place of work. I'm about to that point at my current job as well.

I'm waiting until my vacation days reset so I'm able to get sufficient amounts of time off (ala half days or whatever). This occurs 1/1/2012.

Become self employed. That's appearing to be the only sane option at this point.

Don't really know what to do at this point other than freelance Excel work.
People underestimate how hard it is to look for new work while already working full-time. Conservatively, most people are at work or commuting for 9 hours out of a day, but 11-12 hours is not uncommon.

I get some freelance writing work doing DVD box copy, but that is not nearly available often enough for it to be anything more than a monthly supplement. Not to mention that self-employed people are up a fucking creek when it comes to insurance so it's barely viable even if the income was average.

I currently work for a search engine marketing company, and I took a pretty big paycut when I left the government, but I like what I'm doing now a lot more.
I've been on holidays for a few weeks,all i've been doing is getting wasted on speed and beer and generally being bored,so I sent my boss an email this morning about going back to work.Straight away he sent me a message back saying that i'll be going to tropical Queensland and spending 3 months on board a 4 year old 235 metre bulk carrier,hauling bauxite through the Great Barrier Reef,I cannot fucking wait!! It'll be bloody warm though!!
So last Sunday I had a shitty day and started acting like a dick. At the end of the night I told my boss that he should leave the office once and a while and check out the outside world. I had the whole week off except for today, and when I came in, he pulled me aside to talk about my comment to him. He didn't chastise me; rather he said it had been bothering him all week and wondered if I thought he was doing something wrong. The guy basically told me I hurt his feelings! I've never had a boss come to me with his tail between his legs like that. Ever.
It's good that you let your boss know you had a shitty day and also gave him something to think about.Rather than do what I did and punch the boss in the face,I learnt my lesson from that.It's always best to follow your head and not your emotions,especially at work.
I have two jobs right now. I work as a Spanish lab assistant at my local community college and I love it. I get to teach three people in a room at the library today! It's gonna rule!

I also work at a Halloween store. I haven't started yet, but I can't wait. This is gonna break six year streak of not having a costume.
Were you suggesting a while ago that you were planning to go "off grid" in some sense after your military contract ends?
I don't expect to be able to go completely "off grid", but I am intending to expat in the next few years. If I was still a single guy I would have already done it.
Trying to get a job as a second shooter for wedding photography. They can make anywhere around $40-50 an hour. Then, once I build up my portfolio, I can start doing weddings by myself, at around $150-200 an hour.