Working close to home rules

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
My tractoring days are OVER (since three weeks and until monday) so now I'm bossing some kids around (They're all 17 and 18) and they're currently mowing close to where I live so I go home and have some fika and dick around here and get paid for it, ROOLZ
it would be a 5 minute drive, but i don't have a car :bah:

so it's a 12 minute bike ride...on my shitty bike that only has one working gear and hardly any brakes
cthulufhtagn said:
and hardly any brakes

my commute is about 5 minutes (10 during the school year since i live right by a high school), 2 lights and 2 stop signs. i go home for lunch several times a week.

never had tractoring days. sorta empty inside.
One Inch Man said:

my commute is about 5 minutes (10 during the school year since i live right by a high school), 2 lights and 2 stop signs. i go home for lunch several times a week.

never had tractoring days. sorta empty inside.
in elementary school i walked to school, it took like 15 middle school i biked to school, it took about 15-20 high school i walked to school, which took 10-15 mins, and worked 2 different jobs at the same shopping center 2 mins from my i work 12 mins away by bike, and up at school my dorm is 2 mins from all my classes...notice a pattern? o_O
my job right now is about 5 mins away going there and about 10-15 mins back. Of course, on the way back we can barely move AND it's uphill. Makes it hard to drive, and it's slower cause the vehicle we use is old and falling apart.
me laughs at skyrocketing gas prices here in the states. me lives 3 miles from work. me about to get a bike and say farewell to car-driving.
Holy shit. I've been posting on this forum for nearly 4 years. The amount of real time I've spent on here probably equals that which I'd spend getting a PhD.

*keeps posting*
Working close to home fucking rules. I work less than a 5 minute drive from where I live. Yea i'm a janitor and my pay fucking sucks but can you really complain when you finish all your work from an 8 hour shift in 3.5 hours and then go home and watch tv/listen to music/jerk off for a few hours while you wait for a meeting to finish. Then when you return to work I just need to make sure the door is locked which takes a few seconds.