Tragedy too close to home...

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It is just another one. No one can do anything to stop it.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear...does it really fall?

If a demented douchbag loads up an automatic weapon, and proceeds to mow down people in his public arena of people really care?

Unless CNN or (whatever) reports it and tells us to give a shit about it...what the fuck does it really matter? There have been a lot of many do you give a fuck about? What kind of lame condolences will you bring to the table? Will you wear a ribbon? Will you buy some cookies? How about a fucking t-shirt? Will you walk 5k? 10k? Will that make you feel better?

You knew people, huh? You truly suffered, huh? No...go fuck yourself, indeed! What the fuck do you know about suffering, you fucking prick! You said yourself. Have you seen people die? Have you had people die in your arms? You were one town over and 10 minutes away. What the fuck are you contributing? What the fuck gives you the right to call the shots over what some people may or may not be feeling over this situation?

Fuck you...and your fucking backyard.

For me, that statistic is not about minimizing THIS tragedy, but NOT minimizing the other 49. There is absolutely nothing anyone can say about this tragedy by comparing it to the others, and vice versa, that won't come off as a dick thing to say. No one tragedy is greater or worse than another. Each case of mass shooting is a HUGE tragedy. Children are without fathers or mothers, parents are without their child, survivors in any case will have long-standing emotional trauma to recover from. To say one is worse than the others is minimizing the other tragedies, which is disrespectful to the victims and the families of each and every tragedy.

However, bringing up that statistic in THIS thread was not the wisest course of action. A separate thread, to discuss such tragedies as a whole would have been smarter, as bringing it up here sure does seem like you're trying to minimize this particular tragedy by holding it up against the others. Whether you intended it or not, that is how it came off.

these 2 posts convey the message that i was trying to get across
all the tragedies are equal, even the ones we never hear about
All tragedies are NOT equal. To a single individual, perhaps two catastrophic events can be equal. But not to a society.
All tragedies are NOT equal. To a single individual, perhaps two catastrophic events can be equal. But not to a society.

you've accidently made my point

the media tells society which tradgedies to pay attention to, and which lives are more valuble than the others, every single winter, in the USA alone, millions of homeless people freeze to death, but those deaths are never repoted on the American news, are those broke people's lives any less valuble than the lives of the rich people that died in Newton??

every year, in the USA, the number of "Black" people that are killed by guns is an entire ten times the number of "White" people that are killed by guns
are the lives of the white people that died in Newton that much more valuble than the lives of the black people whose deaths didn't even make the news at all??

can we say the lives of the people that died in Newton are any more or any less valuble than the lives of the people that died in Aurora??

the answer to all these questions is obviously emphatically "NO"
^so go make a thread about those "black" people or "white" people or "homeless" people or any of the other tragedies so people can express their condolences there. The purpose of this thread is pretty specific. Poor taste, man.
you've accidently made my point

the media tells society which tradgedies to pay attention to, and which lives are more valuble than the others, every single winter, in the USA alone, millions of homeless people freeze to death, but those deaths are never repoted on the American news, are those broke people's lives any less valuble than the lives of the rich people that died in Newton??

every year, in the USA, the number of "Black" people that are killed by guns is an entire ten times the number of "White" people that are killed by guns
are the lives of the white people that died in Newton that much more valuble than the lives of the black people whose deaths didn't even make the news at all??

can we say the lives of the people that died in Newton are any more or any less valuble than the lives of the people that died in Aurora??

the answer to all these questions is obviously emphatically "NO"

The only person that is calling attention to the "value" of people's lives is you. We never said a single thing about one shooting meaning more than another or one life meaning more than another - that was just your own assumption based off your own strange urge to ruin a thread with your insensitive, unsolicited opinions.
Ok, lets for a second ignore the fact that it's you who we're talking about (and again, as you make a point to try to start an argument with me again and again. Also, I won't make it into a huge one as it's not worth it (and ultimately, you're not worth it)...

If a tree falls in the forest without anyone there to hear it, yes, it really falls. If a tree falls right next to you, close to where your children are playing outside, and happens to fall on top of some of your friends, it will affect you more than otherwise. It freaks you out for a bit, it makes you put things into perspective. Because after all, it "will never happen to you/with you."

If you're suggesting that the reason I was so touched by what happened is because CNN did an extended coverage on the story, you're wrong (then again it seems to be the norm right?). Also, I think when condolences are honest, you'd have to be a real prick to call them lame. Regardless of what people do in the aftermath (ribbons, cookies, walks, shirts), if it helps them cope better with what happened, so be it. Who are YOU to judge what people do, especially people who deal with this "in the eye of the storm" so to speak?

Yes, I knew people indeed. You ask what I know about suffering, if I've seen people die, if people have died in my arms... I ask you... Have you? Actually, wait... What does that matter anyway? It doesn't make anyone better. It doesn't make anyone's feelings about death and suffering more or less valid than anybody else.

You have done a terrific job keeping up your stupidity streak. Good job. The way you're going, you'll break all records. I'm rooting for you, you can do it. I'll be right there, first row wearing a shirt and a ribbon to support you. Then we'll buy a tray of cookies to celebrate your achievement.

1 question and 1 statement to your post:

Question: Where (and how) did I get the reputation of being a troll, or maintaining a stupidity streak?

Statement: Yes, I have seen people my arms...while under my care...and I thank you for proving my point.

This is just another example how such a flammatory subject get such outrageous reactions from people that have no relation or context to the situation...

So...when I show up at your be sure to buy those fucking cookies, you bitch.
1 question and 1 statement to your post:

Question: Where (and how) did I get the reputation of being a troll, or maintaining a stupidity streak?

Statement: Yes, I have seen people my arms...while under my care...and I thank you for proving my point.

This is just another example how such a flammatory subject get such outrageous reactions from people that have no relation or context to the situation...

So...when I show up at your be sure to buy those fucking cookies, you bitch.

Answer 1: Your posts and statements are among the dumbest here. Your reputation precedes itself.

Comment about your statement: Wow. Under your care? Clearly you aren't doing a very good job...
Thread closed and I'm not even going to go back and delete individual comments.

Ashaman gets a few weeks vacation for his personal insults/attacks (and this is not the first time as they always happen in the middle of night).

Nailz- Considering this your first "official" warning as well due to the other thread.

I don't mind spirited or even angry debates, but this is one of the most civil forums on the web and I plan to keep it that way.
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