Katatonia lyrics that hit too close to home?

For me, it would be Sulfur, among many others.
And I seem to have an affinity to kata- d- words like dispossession, distrust, disappear, dissolving, displaced, decision, deliberation, day, dance, december, different...
I'd say mine has to be "We Will Bury You"... reminds me of the time I got kicked in the head and hung from a tree, and then buried.
I could probably go on and on about how depressed I've been in my life and how so many of Katatonia's lyrics have hit home for me and that's why they're my favorite band... but I've learned that people hate whiners and that depression is very unattractive in a person. Especially to Aries, who only care about themselves (sorry Anders).

It's much better to make fun of depression, and laugh at it (like Oinkness did, very funny, actually). Do funny things, like eat a baby, or pretend to rape your own lover. If alone too often, it may be fun to fingerpaint on the walls with your own diarrhea (I've found drawing spirals all over the walls is a perfect way to show your family that you're extremely bipolar.) Attack the Salvation Army, knocking over their donation box and screaming at Santa Claus "fuck you asshole!". Do anything, anything is better than being depressed.


N.P. Thought Industry - Interstellar Fix, 2056

Does anyone else do Now Playing anymore or am I just obnoxious?
sparrowsblood said:
is a will oldham lyric- I was quite impressed when I heard them use that

Is that referring to Will Oldham too?? In what song does he use that line? That one is really special to me, and now I’m a bit disappointed of the fact that’s not a genuine Katatonic piece of art.

I looked at his discography and found many similar key’s to Katatonias (Jonas) lyrics and just by reading these titles I got that “Katatonia feeling”.

Stablemate (stalemate =))
I See A Darkness (...coming??)
Viva Ultra - Grand Dark Feeling Of Emptiness
All Gone, All Gone
Tonight’s decision
Tonight Will Be Fine
I Tried To Stay Healthy For You
You Have Cum In Your Hair And Your Dick Is Hanging Out :grin:
The songs I can't listen to because I might burst in tears or in the worst case get clinical depression are :Saw you drwon and good ol' Teargas.

too much ugly shit happened to me during that time of my life.
Frith said:
Is that referring to Will Oldham too?? In what song does he use that line? That one is really special to me, and now I’m a bit disappointed of the fact that’s not a genuine Katatonic piece of art.

It's from "You Will Miss Me When I Burn". But Jonas hints at the reference ("I heard someone sing..."), so it's not that surprising, hehe. We've already had a couple of threads about lyrical connections to Oldham, can't be arsed to search for them now though.
EvilVince said:
I could probably go on and on about how depressed I've been in my life and how so many of Katatonia's lyrics have hit home for me and that's why they're my favorite band... but I've learned that people hate whiners and that depression is very unattractive in a person. Especially to Aries, who only care about themselves (sorry Anders).

but you can't expect any different on the katatonia forums..
my dying groom said:
It's from "You Will Miss Me When I Burn". But Jonas hints at the reference ("I heard someone sing..."), so it's not that surprising, hehe. We've already had a couple of threads about lyrical connections to Oldham, can't be arsed to search for them now though.

my mistake. :blush:

I’m very curious about this Oldham guy. How come I never checked him out?
Guess his on my “to buy-list” from now on.

Now, schools out for winter and Christmas are heading. I bought Tonight’s Decision for my father, and he’s going to be so glad. After borrowing my copy for over a year now, he can brag with his own! He’s fave track is “for my demons” and I enjoy listening to him singing along with Jonas…”when did I say this - I will never leave…” hehe..

have a great one.
Right now, I'm finding it VERY hard to listen to 'One Year From Now'... there are just too many connotations in it that, somehow, reflect exactly how I'm feeling... :cry:

Good old Jonas, no-one else understands misery quilte like him :worship:
Frith said:
my mistake. :blush:

I’m very curious about this Oldham guy. How come I never checked him out?
Guess his on my “to buy-list” from now on.

Now, schools out for winter and Christmas are heading. I bought Tonight’s Decision for my father, and he’s going to be so glad. After borrowing my copy for over a year now, he can brag with his own! He’s fave track is “for my demons” and I enjoy listening to him singing along with Jonas…”when did I say this - I will never leave…” hehe..

have a great one.

Cheers, I'd choose "I See A Darkness" and/or "Viva Last Blues" as a starting point. By the way, my mother always used to hum along to The Future Of Speech, hehe.
Frith said:
my mistake. :blush:

I’m very curious about this Oldham guy. How come I never checked him out?
Guess his on my “to buy-list” from now on.

google him.....there must be about 100 cds by him....under all different names.....I never really got into him.....but my old roomate (sparrowsblood from here) is a huge fan......
Deliverance6 said:
google him.....there must be about 100 cds by him....under all different names.....I never really got into him.....but my old roomate (sparrowsblood from here) is a huge fan......

Tomorrow I will walk into nearest record store and pick up one of his work.
Probably the album with the song”you will miss me when I burn” just to hear him sing: ”when you have no-one, no one can hurt you” … just love that line!!! :worship:

NP: Katatonia - don't tell a soul :grin:
yeah its from his palace brothers album "days in the wake" (which is really good)
and its from the song "you will miss me when i burn" which if Katatonia ever did, I would freak out- its a great song...
There's a local band called Mr Barleycorn with the lyrics "When nothing matters, nothing can break your heart"...That has a nicer ring to it, I think :P