Katatonia and movies


discouraged one
May 25, 2001
I often wondered if Katatonia lyrics were inspired by movies, and I'd like to know if you have ever done linkings between a song and a movie.
I mean when I was reading the lyrics, I found a resonance with themes develloped in certain movies.

Two examples:

Strained : Photographing fairies http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119893/
which is the perfect illustration of the sentence : I'd like to live my life again, I'd like to see where I was going wrong...

Will I arrive : Eyes Wide Shut http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120663/
Hard to explain why...I've always been puzzled about what was the man about to join in. Some place where you won't be able to escape if you're weak. Some sort of sectarian insitution maybe.

What about you ?
I've alway associated "Endtime" with the "nuclear holocaust" movies like "Failsafe", "Testament" or "On the Beach". Probably because of the line "they lost the Earth in fire" and the whole catastrophic imagery...
Complicity - Jet Li's Unleashed, although maybe Unleashed was inspired by the song? :P

Don't ask why, but the whole Katatonia sound on Brave Murder Day and Discouraged Ones reminds me of the Silent Hill video-game series...
The film "misery" and A DARKNESS COMING. I hear that song in my head everytime the guy in the film crashes the car.....but he dosnt know whats coming.......something bad :erk:
This might be a little off-topic..

but does anyone think they should've put Diabolical Masquerade's "Skeleton Keyz to the Dead" on the "The skeleton key" movie soundtrack? I mean it fits perfectly.. title-wise anyway.
Evidence often strikes me as one that could have been influenced by a film.....in my mind a thriller, not sure which one though.
Hm... I never thought about movies and Katatonia... but there are some endtime movies likening to "Quiet World" where some songs of Viva Emptiness would fit to.

Who was that want who wanted to make a Katatonia-movie? I think... Jinn was it? If there's ever gonna be a movie like that... THAT one... would really remind me of Katatonia :loco: