working on a new mix;)


May 9, 2009
not sure where to go with it. comments would be very appreciated.

i'm pretty happy with the overall sound. however after listening to some reference mixes i feel like there's some unpleasant frequency fucking with me somewhere in the guitars, but i can't put my finger on it. also i'm not sure if the guitars should have a bit more bite or not.

i think the drums are the best i've done so far, also it's all ITB but it's got sonimus satson all over it, love the plugin :D

no vocals yet. the low end is a bit messy as i haven't done much yet - i want to duck the bass but both bass and bd must be bounced to do that which is complete bullshit by the way. o_O

EDIT. new version here:
nice song mate!
mix has a lot more attitude and sounds better then the EP
but yeah, low end could use some attention, and there's some unpleasant spikes in the highs I think...maybe 8k onwards or something.
But maybe just lowpassing lower would help.
Is this X50 by any chance?
Also: editing doesnt sound natural at all to me (guitars)
nice song mate!
mix has a lot more attitude and sounds better then the EP
but yeah, low end could use some attention, and there's some unpleasant spikes in the highs I think...maybe 8k onwards or something.
But maybe just lowpassing lower would help.
Is this X50 by any chance?
Also: editing doesnt sound natural at all to me (guitars)

thanks marco!

seemed to miss about the spikes myself, need to look into that. there's no master processing so there are other things jumping around as well so that could be why i've missed it, at least i hope :p

and yeah, the guitars are a bit unnatural at parts, i need to work on that. you're probably referring to that riff towards the end of the clip, it just sounds so good when it's fucking tight-ass edited, too bad it starts sounding unnatural hahah

it's not X50, it probably would be if X50 was available as mac au :D I'm still using Overloud TH1 on the guitars, same as on the demo, but processing is quite different. and we actually used a decent guitar for tracking this time :lol:

does it sound good? bad? bland and boring? just let me know!

there's no master processing so i can understand if it sounds a little flat, i could slap something on the master if it would make things more interesting.
better for sure Olli!

Guitars are still a bit "scratchy" for my tastes, but they are tamed compared to the previous version.
Bass may have gone a bit too far though, but that depends on taste
thanks man!

yeah i don't know... i guess i just dig the scratchyness. among other things i'm trying out D16's Devastor to give just a tiny hint of texture on the guitars, that might be what you're hearing.

another thing that's possible is that i'm just THINKING it sounds good because "i've found my new secret weapon", but in reality it just sounds shittier and i can't subliminally allow myself to see that. :lol: :lol:

i'm going to raise the bass a little, you were right it went down a little too much.

i'm going to post a full version soon enough, we're about to record vocals for it.

more comments welcome!