Working on getting that perfect tone


Jun 10, 2009

Hey guys
Been lurking the forum for while.
I've been working day in and day out for the past months trying to get the guitar tone i want and i haven't been able to get it. Even using the tips i've read on here I just cant get it.

I want the tone that Joey Sturgis and Brian Hood get a lot of the times for their stuff. I know having a pod with podfarm would help get closer but i just havent had the finances recently because i just built a new computer because my old mac couldnt handle what i'm looking to get into.

Sorry for the bio guys haha but yea my process on this was:
Guitar straight into Presonus Firestudio Project into Nuendo 3.
Record into one track, paste the same track into track 2.
Track one i run TSS, NC 7170, keFIR v1(fredmans\s-pres8), Q
Track two i run Amplitube Fender(Metallotesta), and C4(Andys settings)

Any tips, critiquing, whatever. I'm completely open to it.

I also have Amplitube 2 and Metal layin around here somewhere i just havent installed them on the new computer yet. I will be getting a pod setup soon with podfarm but i wanna try and work with what i got for now.
Link doesn't work, right click the song in the folder and select Dropbox -> Copy public link.
Or if anything how can i liven up the tone i have now?
i panned each track like 40 off center

I kinda like the bury your dead-esque tone
but it just doesnt sound alive enough for me

i guess i'm gonna work on this tone for this project i'm doing now because the guys like it. and then i'll pick up a pod and work on getting a new tone for the melodic metal band i'm about to be working with because they want something closer to what i was asking for originally.
Or if anything how can i liven up the tone i have now?
i panned each track like 40 off center

I kinda like the bury your dead-esque tone
but it just doesnt sound alive enough for me

i guess i'm gonna work on this tone for this project i'm doing now because the guys like it. and then i'll pick up a pod and work on getting a new tone for the melodic metal band i'm about to be working with because they want something closer to what i was asking for originally.

Pan hard Left and Right. L100 and R100.
wtf mix with your ears not your asses guys! i think it sounds awful,playing needs to be tighter/noise gated a bit there's something creeping through. Chuns are too scratchy try lowering the presence treb and boosting your mids to make it sound fuller:worship:
:rolleyes:damn, some of you guys have put out some pretty good mixes to be mixing with your asses haha:worship:

tried a little something different
this is now over 4 tracks
2 100L and 2 100R
and added Waves Doubler 4m/s on my 7170 process to help seperate it a little(I'm still learning so dont flame if this isnt a good way to go about it, i just added it and noticed it helped the sound a little) instead of having to get the guy to record the track again for me.

I got him to come in and a lay a piece down so i can find a tone for him that he likes, which he likes it now but im picky and he trusts my judgement.
And Loco this is not my final, this is simply something to zone in a tone for them.

check this out and let me know what you think.
Off Subject but Good News
Just picked up a Pod XT to toy around with.
Hope you guys are up to helping me with it when i get it seeing as a lot of you guys use pod setups :heh:

I still wanna develop this tone as far as i can seeing as most of you seemed to dig it.

And also, any chance anyone wanna donate some DI tracks for me to apply this tone to so i can test it out further before i gotta put it to some real use.

Thanks for all the help so far guys.
Feels good to be a part of this community finally instead of being a lurker haha
:rolleyes:damn, some of you guys have put out some pretty good mixes to be mixing with your asses haha:worship:

tried a little something different
this is now over 4 tracks
2 100L and 2 100R
and added Waves Doubler 4m/s on my 7170 process to help seperate it a little(I'm still learning so dont flame if this isnt a good way to go about it, i just added it and noticed it helped the sound a little) instead of having to get the guy to record the track again for me.

I got him to come in and a lay a piece down so i can find a tone for him that he likes, which he likes it now but im picky and he trusts my judgement.
And Loco this is not my final, this is simply something to zone in a tone for them.

check this out and let me know what you think.

I'd probably ditch the Doubler because it'll probably just make more problems for you in the end. If you want more seperation between your two tones I'd probably just set the amp differently.
I'd probably ditch the Doubler because it'll probably just make more problems for you in the end. If you want more seperation between your two tones I'd probably just set the amp differently.

Yea now that i'm awake and went back and listened to it, the doubler sounds like it adds a digital sounding bleed to it, so my mistake on that.
What plug-in would be best to add the like 3m/s offset between tracks?

I'm about to take a jab at something real quick. I think you guys might like it.
I'll upload it in a few.
Thanks for the help and feedback once again guys.
They sent me a drum track to throw in with it, i havent worked with the drum track really at all. I added it in to give you guys more of the feel of the track.
But tell me guys what you think of this tone.

and only the first half of the guitar is laid down so theres 15 secs or so of just drums.
None of this is final tracking like i said, i'm just trying to dial in the sound.
But this is general idea for the intro track.
hmm.. what are using for drums?

they sound like they were recorded from another room :/

i personally think you'd be much better just trying 1 amp sim for the moment, and see if it's missing anything, then add another amp sim if you think it needs it.

also fix those drums. :p

he said that was done in ezdrummer on flstudio
i have the midi pattern as well i just havent messed around with the drums at all
i was just trying to help everyone kinda understand the feel of it
i was hesitant even putting it up with that drum track to be honest
They are VERY happy with the current tone but i'm still at much discontent with it. I guess because i'm very picky.
Would it be best to scrap that tone and start from scratch with the pod?
I have a feeling they'd be pissed because they're stoked about the tone as it sits.

This is my first attempt at heavier stuff, i've always tracked acoustic/indie stuff, but i've always wanted to work with some heavier stuff, so i figured i'd give it a shot finally.:kickass:

Any help is appreciated guys!