Working on this at the moment and trying broadband compression on guitars...


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
This is just a first revision of a track from a bands EP I'm mixing at the moment. I'm trying a bunch of new things but I guess the most different approach I'm taking is using a large amount of broadband compression on guitars.

I'm taking off quite a lot on the rhythms using the CLA-3A after the high and low pass but before any further subtractive EQ, its running in dual mono and I really liked how it smoothed out the tone and gave it some serious width at the same time. Anyway let me know what you think! Mix 1 .mp3
I think it could be a little brighter, but other than that, not bad at all. Just needs a little more energy, and maybe making it brighter with some light, high end EQ work might help it sit in the mix. Or at least, that's what my instincts tell me. I could be wrong. Anyways, good job, sounds pretty good.