UK Broadband and other such scams


Sep 2, 2006
Needing recommendations as to who to go to for broadband in the UK.

Basically my family went with BT when they installed the line a few years ago, it was fine at the time - paid for 1mb broadband, got 128kbs a second and that was cool for running most things.

About a year into that BT along with other broadband providers decided they were going to do the whole "UP TO" blah MB broadband scam and we started getting shafted, speed started lagging down to about 80kbs a second whereas before we got a fairly flat speed now it was all over the place, it seemed the more BT put the UP TO for other customers the slower our service got, like they were trying to fit too many people on a line that was too full, our speed is currently 30kbs a sec.

This would be almost tolerable if BT werent playing a pack of dicks though and they've recently started claimed our usage is 50gbs a month, someone at BT hasnt done the logistics of how someone with a 30kbs a second line would actually download 50gigs of data in a month - basically to do it you'd have to be using the full line capacity almost every hour of the day, so as well as sucker punching us with shitty service they are claiming we use more than we can feasibly, and yes our wireless is stable and our router is so shit that someone would have to be looking directly in our front window to actually hack it.

Now its ADSL so its not legitimately that fast, but that means that whoever we go with has to rent the line off of BT, so that limits the amount of potential ISPs a bit, but as BT are making us pay a pound for ever gig over the top amount (10) and claiming that we are using around 50 that means the broadband cost for the month is prohibitively expensive - over £60 a month for the shittiest broadband on the planet? I dont think so BT.

At the moment the only option is looking like Virgins XL package - coming in at £28 a month for us, because apparently O2 will start threatening service closure if you use over 40 gig on a non LLU line when their service states "unlimited" and Sky only offer up to 40 gig on that line type (but its not like my dad would ever subscribe to the idea of giving Rupert Murdoch money anyway).

TL;DR; So basically the question here is, who will genuinely give us unlimited usage of a ADSL(non-LLU) line for a flat fee per month.
I'm talking kilobytes, I have to say I think bits is just a scam term so that ISPs can make people that arent clued into these things think they're getting more than they are, but still 30kilobytes is just arghghgh.

These guys are decent and pay attention to the needs of people with shit lines in rural areas. It's not unlimited but you get a lot for cheap.

Cheers, will look into that.
I was gonna chime in with "get virgin" then i realised you're in rural scotland... damn... i used to work for an ISP and i really felt bad for the guys in the countryside who were getting royally shafted by their bill...
o2 and Be are basically the same provider, Kev. O2 even offered to switch me over to them for £10 less a month. Just been lazy about that.
o2 and Be are basically the same provider, Kev. O2 even offered to switch me over to them for £10 less a month. Just been lazy about that.

Oui, they lease their kit out at some of the exchanges. Only worry I have is that the service will become oversubscribed and ruined by the market power they have. Just like what happend to orange, who then had this setup against them- :D

Dont think it was mentioned that its one of the only providers left who arent doing the crazy ott traffic shaping/download cap stuff.
I'm a high level internet user (around 100-150GB a month downstream), I used BeThere for over 2 years until I moved and had no problems with them at all - I'm currently stuck with Virgin where I live right now and they're the biggest pile of s**t I've ever had to deal with. The upload speed is as slow as hell and the download speed (claiming to be 10mb) is terrible too.

As you can't get Be then O2 or Sky are your next best bet, you might have the same issues with O2 as Be though as I know at my local exchange they're using the same equipment.
I used Virgin when I was living in London and it was pretty decent, pretty fast. I'm in quite a dillema atm as I'm moving to a new house and dont know if I should get Virgin or any other for internet, like the ones you guys mentioned, but having one pack for all (net, tv and phone) is cool just to avoid different bills for every single thing etc. But I have no idea what's best (in terms of TV and stuff) here in the UK, sky seems decent though :P