world aids-day 1.12


fantastic idiot
Oct 22, 2003
up north
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did you know that:

*5 million people were infected with hiv this year?every day in 2003 almost 14 000 people were newly infected with hiv, more than 95% of them live in low- and middle-income countries
*3 million people died for aids this year?
*1 out of 5 adults across southern africa are now living with hiv/aids?
*about 40 million people are living with aids worldwide and 2,5 million of them are children under 15 years of age?
*aids has already orphaned more than 11 million african children?

want to know more?
about hiv and aids as disease:
united nations' programme on hiv&aids:

the guy sitting next to you might be positive, think about it.
and yeah, do yourself a favour, use a condom.
yeah. This nation have infection rate between 30-40%. Nobody really knows. Just estimates. Yet there is lots of denial. People rely on destiny. Doom.

bah, thinking about that makes me realise how fucking lucky i am with everything. Health, having the Love Of My Life, living in a "wealthy" country, having a decent and meaningful job, close friends and so on and so on.
I must sound really cheasy now, but I don't mind.
the pope also says you shouldnt go around shagging everthing that walks, which would probably do more to prevent aids than carpet bombing the whole of africa with condoms.

less random shagging= less aids. lets see if the UN put that on a poster campaign :lol:
I took an HIV test once, I've never been so worried about the result of a test in my whole life :ill: I was unable to do anyhting the day of the result, unable to think about anything else, what a relief when the doctor said i was negative !
cedarbreed said:
I took an HIV test once, I've never been so worried about the result of a test in my whole life :ill: I was unable to do anyhting the day of the result, unable to think about anything else, what a relief when the doctor said i was negative !

i know exactly what you mean....and i never was more happier about anything in my life when I heard i was negative :hotjump: :Spin: :hotjump: