Worship music leaked

Dear whoever leaked this: thank you.

I already bought the album, so I don't feel too bad


Fuck it, I'm gonna wait!
I don't see anything wrong with downloading it early, especially if you plan to buy it anyway. We've waited years for this and god forbid we should die suddenly a day or two before it comes out.
Don Nelson just downloaded it. His first response was "WTF? Why do my vocals sound a couple octaves higher!?!?"
I'm really digging it! just listened start to finish. I'm Alive is a great song. And Rob has a lot of fun on this disc! The solos are insane!
Just listened to it start to finish... it's fucking awesome minus the song 'Crawl', not terrible but probably my least favorite on the album. Will have to listen to it more of course...
just got it (think we all know where) i honestly didnt think it was gonna leak as i thought they were doing a good job keepin it off the net, ill still buy it next week of course but gonna put it on a disc save it for the weekend with a beer or 12 and crank it up:kickass:
I've pre-ordered the album, and I wasn't quite sure if I was going to download the leak....
But I did, and I've given it two spins so far.

What an album!
What a brilliant performance from Joey!
Ok...so the "Anthrash" debate will probably continue, but in my opinion this is a well written metal album where the band neatly combines the styles and elements of their career so far, and at the same time manages to bring something fresh to the table.

Solid performances from the entire band, but truth be told: If it wasn't for Joey, this album would probably never have happened, and the fact that he comes in after most of these tunes have already been written and recorded and manages to re-record the vocals in such a dedicated, intense and stunning fashion is quite an achievement. It's also evidence that the more melodic approach that Anthrax has taken to the music on their later releases fits Joey perfectly.