I think Stomp 442 was geared more towards the Warped Tour type of people. Scott was always a skater, Im surprised they never played Warped shows.
I've seen Slayer twice in two weeks before and both shows were identical to each other. Even Araya's banter was exactly the same, word for word. While I wouldn't say their style is necessarily cold, their live show definitely has a "rehearsed" feeling to it.
What's the most intense live show you've ever seen, guys? For me it was Behemoth.
I'm beginning to like this forum...wish I had come here sooner. I like the fact you guys can throw shit at each other and no one really gets their panties in a bunch.
ATTN: Dead Winter
ATL is considered a great thrash album for many reasons, some of which I will try to explain the best I can even though I'm not quite sure why I'm doing it. the fact that you're on here posting about how Stomp is better than ATL, I can only assume you're enjoy fucking with people for the sake of it. I'm willing to be you're on a Metallica board right now telling people about how St. Anger is better than Kill 'Em All.
1. The songs are just pure, well-written thrash. Plain and simple. Fast, heavy, hard, and to the point, the way we like our 80s thrash to be.
2. I think there's an appeal to this album for the fact that there's a sense of humor (or 'fun') to it, which is one of the main things that always kept Anthrax from being a typical thrash-metal band. Examples are I Am The Law, Caught in a Mosh, NFL, Among the Living, etc...
3. Lyrically (besides the sillier songs) the album deals with social issues, prejudice, phonies...While the issue of racism towards Native Americans may be dated, the lyrics to Indians still hold up today in the context of prejudice with all the immigration issues. This is probably my all-time favorite Anthrax song, and cannot possibly fathom how a fan of thrash cannot like it. If the "WAR DANCE" mosh part doesn't get you moving then God help you.
4. Joey Belldonna's vocals just give the album an overall catchy feel and I really think that this is the first Anthrax album that perfectly displays how Joey's vocals counterpart the music.
I don't know who is saying that ATL is better than PoT, but if it is, it's not by much. I think both albums are musically equal, just different moods/tones. PoT is darker and more serious, and like someone else posted, only a few years apart from ATL, so it's not like it's so completely on another level. But it's just a matter of preference, do you like the faster, funner ATL or the darker, more serious PoT?
No way in hell will WM go down in history as worse than Stomp.
Stomp was an embarrassment that should be thrown in the garbage.
Would love to hear his awesome version of "Gimmeee Me Fuel, Give Me Fiyaaaa, Gimme that much I disiyyyyaaaahhhh'
To alot of people actually. :Spin:
truer words never came out of your mouth.Symphony was bad enough.![]()
(who the fuck likes Iron Maiden anyway?)
Every single person on the face of the Earth who is a fan of metal, besides you apparently