Worst 3 songs by you favourite band

Originally posted by Ralphe
I was talking about the album(not the song),The song itself is good but the reat of the album is a bit of a woorry

I was talking about the album :) Haven't heard it in years but remember loving it, maybe because it was their first album I had heard after I became a hard rock/metal fan back in 1986.
Originally posted by Spiff
"Keep the Faith" is almost ruined on the "Crush" DVD, though, because Jon's tambourine is far too loud and is very distracting.

I know what you mean by that...I actually like how they do the song live but on the cd I never really got into it....but on the DVD I hate it!
I like Lie to Me too.

"If you dont love me..... Lie to me...... Cause baby you're the one thing... I believe. Let it all fall down around us... if thats what's meant to be.... Right now if you dont love me baby.... LIE TO ME"

That is all
God Gave Rock n Roll to You was originally recorded by Argent. Paul and Gene changed the lyrics a bit, which is why it was retitled with the "II" on the end.

I'm not going to pick three songs by my favourite band, but a song each from three of my favourite bands:

AC/DC - Love Hungry Man. What were they thinking when they recorded that?
Iron Maiden - The Angel and the Gambler. This is almost one of the worst songs ever.
Black Sabbath - Changes. Dear God!
Iced Earth:

Mystical End - BORING.... NEXT!
Blessed Are You - Just silly quite frankly :)
Scarred - BORING!
Here are the Dream Theater songs I hate:

Take Away My Pain - awful, awful song. I don't care if JP wrote it about his father dying, it's still awful.

Just Let Me Breathe - OK the first couple of times I heard it, but now I hate it. Awful, awful song.
Originally posted by Cooperman

2. Losing My Senses
3. I'll Get Even

Losing My Senses sin't bad, just boring as hell. ZzzZzzzZ
I love I'll Get Even though.
Originally posted by Spiff
Icarus - "Fear Is The Key" rocks! :mad:

It's crap.

I like both those Dream Theater songs.. at least I think I do (did), I can't remember them.
Originally posted by Spiff

Queensryche it is. OK, my least favourite songs from this band, ignoring "Hear in the Now Frontier", are:

2. Surgical Strike

I always liked that song..thought it was one of the best from the album actually :)

Hmmm you got me thinking about Rage For Order Im going to go have to listen to it. Tates vocals on Walk In The Shadows :notworthy
Originally posted by Icarus

I Dont Believe It!!!!!!!!! Mystical end rules. Alot!!! :D

Actually, I may have made that one up because I couldnt think of a third one :)
I will pick Maiden.

'Can I Play With Madness' - my least favourite Maiden song of all. Its god-awful! And it pisses me off so much that its one of their most successful songs. Thats not the way they should be thought of IMO.
'The Angel And The Gambler' - the edited version is alright, but the album version sucks much arse. SO much potential in the idea for the song, but oh well.
'Run Silent Run Deep' - I just don't like it.

They have a few other shockers, 'Sun And Steel' and 'Quest For Fire' come to mind. I quite like 'Fear Is The Key' though..