Worst album covers ever?

Lunar Still said:
Why did you single out My Arms, Your Hearse? All of Opeth's covers are pictures of forests.

Because all the others have good photography. MAYH is just a blob of forest, and not a good blob at that.

Everything else is well done or artistic in some way, I could do MAYH with a disposable.



Tempest said:
^ WTF! how is that legal?

The Scorpions cover is legal because the law until recently stated photography of nude children wasn't sexual in nature, and not pornography. There are books dedicated to nude child photography in art sections of some book stores in large cities.
xXBraveMurderDay said:
"Come Clarity" by In Flames
I think Come Clarity's cover is awesome, especially on the Digipack version. The Original Lunar Strain and Subterranean are much worse. The original digipack of STYE (with just the speaker) is also worse.