Worst. Ebay. Ever.

NAD said:
Heard about this on the radio this morning:


Quite possibly the most fucked up thing I've ever seen. Outside of An Evening With Barbara Streisand that is. *shudder*

Run a search for "imaginary girlfriend," this things are everywhere!!!
Now I've seen everything. :err:

Ummmm..... sure, everyone will be convinced you have a girlfriend, WHO THEY'VE NEVER MET AND NEVER WILL.

Christ, if you're that much of a loser, why wouldn't you just write yourself letters and emails, use fake pictures and save yourself $40 in the process. Oh yeah, and if you even go THAT far you're already beyond hope.

First time I read your sig Random Beard, I like it, trolls are awesome. I play a troll hunter called "Finntroll" on WoW:D
not if hes a my pals, we dont take to kindly to them around these parts
someone needs to bump the 17 Question Quiz of Know Your RC or whatever it was called.

i would, but i don't remember the thread title, starter, or anything else other than it had 17 cryptic questions. spooooooooooky.