Worst. Idea. Ever.

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Guitarist Gary Holt of the veteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers EXODUS has issued the following update:

"While anxiously awaiting our return to Europe for the festival run, we have been quietly working on the 'Bonded By Blood' re-recording in our time off. Rob [Dukes, vocals] is currently doing vocals in New York, Lee [Altus, guitar] is doing his solos and I have some touch-ups to do on July 4th. Everything sounds crushing! Guitars are brutal, Tom's [Hunting] drumming is sick, Rob sounds heavier than ever. I am totally stoked. While working on this, I have been securing the talent for the 25th anniversary version of it, the Paul Baloff trubute. Nine different singers. Can't name names right now, but people have been more than willing to participate.

"Next up is Tidal Wave [festival in San Francisco], then beer and sun in Europe. This sitting-at-home shit sucks; I need to be on the road!"

EXODUS recently extended its recording agreement with Nuclear Blast Records, whom Holt called "the greatest label in metal."

The band's brand new album, "The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit B", is due out later this year.

I've never figured out why so many bands decide to re-record albums, when they could use that time to make an entirely new album that might actually be more interesting.
To be honest, I like the idea. Paul Baloff was a mediocre vocalist for me, and the mixing made the album sound flat and stale.

Let it come out first, before judging it.
Bonded By Blood is their only good album and they're going to ruin it. Awesome

not like I give a fuck.
I've never figured out why so many bands decide to re-record albums, when they could use that time to make an entirely new album that might actually be more interesting.

It's just something fun for the bands to do & it may make them a bit of cash. It's also easier than coming up with new stuff. There are bands out there that don't take it all so seriously. Besides, do you really think Exodus has it in them to write a good album these days?? I don't even think "BiB" is very good.
Shovel Headed Kill Machine was one of the most generic albums I ever head. At least they won't go out with that as their final album. When you're at the point that you need to re-record an album that's over 20 years old because no one gives a shit about your band, it's time to give it up.
I find re-recordings to be less annoying than greatest hits compilations.
I thought Shovel Headed Kill Machine kicked ass, personally.

I don't know what the fuck you guys are smoking.
I think bands should have certain albums remixed(to improve sound quality), but not re-recorded.