Worst. Idea. Ever.

Part of the magic of that album is the sound. They may find a pile of weak songs on it when they try to polish it all up.

Or just good songs bogged down by the wrong kind of production. It depends on how you look at it since so many great records are what they are due to the right combination of production and actual compositions. I hear a lot of newer music that's compositionally solid, but intolerable because instrument tones or how it's engineered and mixed. It wouldn't surprise me to find that Transilvanian Hunger or Left Hand Path would quickly become relatively mediocre if recorded with different gear.

Anyway, I don't really have high hopes for this idea either given my feelings on the re-recordings of other bands (Iced Earth's "Days of Purgatory" might be one exception). The last three Exodus albums have been hit-or-miss at best, but I'd rather see them stick to getting it right with new material instead of wasting time with this.