Worst Idea in Music History

Originally posted by creepindeath66
i agree with Trapped accept DHIADW,Scream Bloody Gore and Gateways to annihilation

ha ha. Scream Bloody Gore...

I love death, and chuck is god to me.... but SBG is just all bad :lol:

Gateways is okay, it was great when i first got it, and it's nice to chuck on every now and again, but it's nowhere near the brilliance of Formulas...!

I disagree about black metal... and I definetely disagree about brutal death.

music history incorporates lots of territory...let me think. sorry if there are some repeats.

Neil Diamond
Barry Manilow
Bette Midler
Manowar panties for your chick. the last thing I want to see when preparing to muff dive is the manowar logo.
the Rolling Stones after about 1973
Milli Vanilli, fa shure.
lillith fair
Jane's Addiction
American Idol.
lol @ Linkin Park...Yeah, I'd have to say they're about the most recent mistake. But let's think about the root of the problem. I'd say Marilyn Manson was the worst mistake. It's my believe that he's the main inspiration of a slew of copycat bands that eventually sprouted into the genre that we all know and...hate - Nu-Metal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jonathan Davis does sound an awful lot like he's trying to be Brian Warner. If memory serves me well, Korn was the first "metal" band (for lack of a better term) that really hit it popular by selling shit on a plastic disc. Then there were all the Korn copycat bands trying to get rich while the market's hot. It's just gone downhill from there, and I'm sure I'll get no arguments on that one.
Originally posted by Lyndrodius
lol @ Linkin Park...Yeah, I'd have to say they're about the most recent mistake. But let's think about the root of the problem. I'd say Marilyn Manson was the worst mistake. It's my believe that he's the main inspiration of a slew of copycat bands that eventually sprouted into the genre that we all know and...hate - Nu-Metal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jonathan Davis does sound an awful lot like he's trying to be Brian Warner. If memory serves me well, Korn was the first "metal" band (for lack of a better term) that really hit it popular by selling shit on a plastic disc. Then there were all the Korn copycat bands trying to get rich while the market's hot. It's just gone downhill from there, and I'm sure I'll get no arguments on that one.

i do not think that marylin manson is a mistake nor korn!

the problem is that they have millions of clones in the world that doing shit worst then them!

obviously manson doing horrible music but he doing it with a certain style!?:confused:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uhh,I'll prolly hit on everything that everyone else said already,but I might have some new ideas.so here goes-
Linkin Park,Korn's Untouchables,anything Metallica after the Black Album(and most of the Black Album,too)Stever Tyler/Run DMC collaberation-which is responsible for the whole rap-metal thing,IMO,Aerosmith in general,Andrew WK,Kid Rock,Limp Bizkit(so bad,I had to mention them twice),New Kids on the Block(responsible for the whole boy band thing)the Mickey Mouse club(responsible for both boy bands and teen pop princesses),RAP(I'll just leave it at that),Godsmack doing that terrible song for the Scorpian King sndtrk,Megadeth-World Needs a Hero&Risk,giving the Osbourne family their own tv show,"Dreamer"by Ozzy, Madonna,r&b/soul,Whitney Houston/Mariah Cary/Diana Ross and all of the rest of them,Papa Roach,Avril Lavigne,MTV,glam bands,80's music in general,ummm...I think I'm done venting for now,but I may have more later.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Uhh,I'll prolly hit on everything that everyone else said already,but I might have some new ideas.so here goes-
Linkin Park,Korn's Untouchables,anything Metallica after the Black Album(and most of the Black Album,too)Stever Tyler/Run DMC collaberation-which is responsible for the whole rap-metal thing,IMO,Aerosmith in general,Andrew WK,Kid Rock,Limp Bizkit(so bad,I had to mention them twice),New Kids on the Block(responsible for the whole boy band thing)the Mickey Mouse club(responsible for both boy bands and teen pop princesses),RAP(I'll just leave it at that),Godsmack doing that terrible song for the Scorpian King sndtrk,Megadeth-World Needs a Hero&Risk,giving the Osbourne family their own tv show,"Dreamer"by Ozzy, Madonna,r&b/soul,Whitney Houston/Mariah Cary/Diana Ross and all of the rest of them,Papa Roach,Avril Lavigne,MTV,glam bands,80's music in general,ummm...I think I'm done venting for now,but I may have more later.

i agree for avril lavigne but not for rap.

rap was an incredible movement forward in the history music.

now for sure with the r'n'b stuffs thing getting worst

but if you think at groups like public enemy or NWA they do not made music only for money

and if you think that rap is shit metal is commercial only for shit like cradle of filth

i don't think so...

There's some rap that I can tolerate...I think the only rapper that I'd actually say I like is Ice-T because he has that whole metal band,Body Count,which is awesome.I can respect any type of musician who has something worthwhile to say with their music.Like Ice-T and Ice Cube who were all anit-Tipper Gore and PMRC-oh,that was something I was gonna add to my list;the PMRC and any type of censorship-and NWA with their hatred of police officers,the racist ones and the psychos,anyway.But there are others who I just can't tolerate.The rappers who are always talking about shooting and killing ppl for no reason,degrading women,etc.And what really pisses me off is when ppl say that heavy metal is so offensive and corrupt and perverse when there's a lot of rap music that is just as much if not more so.And all of the whiggers...I've had many bad encounters with whiggers and I just find them all totally moronic.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
degrading women,etc.And what really pisses me off is when ppl say that heavy metal is so offensive and corrupt and perverse when there's a lot of rap music that is just as much if not more so.And all of the whiggers...I've had many bad encounters with whiggers and I just find them all totally moronic.
I agree 100%. Jeez before I got married I got screwed over by a couple of women but should I generalize and say they're all after simply money, they's ho's and what not? that's simply ridiculous, women are much more than a sperm depository.

and whiggers...if I see one more suburban white kid saying to his friend, "yo what up dog..." I think I will vomit copious amounts of bilous fluids.
Originally posted by lizard

and whiggers...if I see one more suburban white kid saying to his friend, "yo what up dog..." I think I will vomit copious amounts of bilous fluids.
Come to either one of the schools that I attended for the past 3 yrs.,observe many of the ppl there and,sooner or later,you will die vomitting.I think it's just ridiculous how these middle/upper class white kids try to act like they are so tough and hardcore, they live "hard lives",dress stupid and talk in Ebonics.I even saw one girl in my school with a shirt that said "Ghetto child"...and where might I find one of these Carroll County ghettos?
here's some of his award winning lyrics:

Why Won't Jesse Helms Just Hurry Up And Die?
Verse 1
Big fat fuck from North Carolina state,
he's a worthless piece of shit, he's a paragon of hate,
he's a redneck, fuck-face, brain-dead waste of space,
two-bit, two-timing, motherfucking pool of slime.
Against gay rights, and funding for the arts,
tried to cancel PBS and tear Big Bird apart.
cut AIDS funding, corporate welfare for the rich,
he's a shameless money grubber, he's a two dollar bitch.

Why won't Jesse Helms just hurry up and die?

Verse 2
Fundamentalist, fuckwad, dickless prick,
he's ugly as a morlock, dumb as a brick.
He's a sack of shit, hypocrite, single-minded, fat bigot,
punk bitch, ignorant, ass-munch sycophant.
Life long friend of the deadly cancer sticks,
thinks AIDS is the fault of the people it inflicts.
Racist fuck who supports segregation,
foe of the people friend of the corporation.


Get up, get up!

Guitar Solo


Trash Talk
Yo Jesse, you dumb-ass, racist, cracker motherfucker!
Why the fuck won't you just hurry up and die?
And take that punk-bitch Strom Thurmond with you!
it is the same thing evrytime!

white people take black culture and try to americanize it!

at the beginning gansta rap was also ironic in that statements about women or uzis.

now is all fashion !

thank you MTV!

as usual!
