Worst living (or dead) humans

Originally posted by speakinstone
AAARGHHH fuckin imbessil idiot, you feebleminded deuce, I just want to flay your skin off and hang you from your balls you fuckhead!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
(this one goes to my 'boss')

So I guess he's not a very charming person, eh? :rolleyes:

I have a few of those kind of people here also. Bastards come through telephone-lines 'cause they're sure we've fucked up something and they almost spit on us. But when it turns out they're the one who made the mistake, nothing.. not one apology or something... fuckers.. makes me wanna nail them to the wall from their eyeballs and set their feet on fire...
Originally posted by ashure
really? :eek:

So ..
@the joy of grief: isn't it a bit early for such a complicated message ? :p

huh? I don't know what the real message was, if there was one.. maybe the hunger just messed with my mind. :grin:

But now I'm full (of garlic-ox) and can think clearly.. :dopey:

uh. what was the purpose of this post? :confused:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
So I guess he's not a very charming person, eh? :rolleyes:

I have a few of those kind of people here also. Bastards come through telephone-lines 'cause they're sure we've fucked up something and they almost spit on us. But when it turns out they're the one who made the mistake, nothing.. not one apology or something... fuckers.. makes me wanna nail them to the wall from their eyeballs and set their feet on fire...

Yeaaa I would be a quite happy (oh well..:rolleyes: ) if they just left me alone and let me to do my work (god I'm funny! :lol: :lol: ) hehehee but no, every fuckin irrevelant thing those nitpickers can ever invent seems to be more important..so let it be so, I've minimalized my 'workin speed' as low as possible(?) and concentrate mostly for other things like this surfing.. ;)
Originally posted by speakinstone
Yeaaa I would be a quite happy (oh well..:rolleyes: ) if they just left me alone and let me to do my work (god I'm funny! :lol: :lol: ) hehehee but no, every fuckin irrevelant thing those nitpickers can ever invent seems to be more important..so let it be so, I've minimalized my 'workin speed' as low as possible(?) and concentrate mostly for other things like this surfing.. ;)

Yes, that's me also... I never knew how handy would responsibility-avoiding -skill learnt in the army be in workinglife :grin: Nah, that's not totally true actually. We've only three-person-group here, so I do respect my mates and do my part. But still I find ways to avoid some things, you know... :muahaha:
Originally posted by ashure
damn I think you guys would be a nice couple

Nice and sweet :muahaha:

So let's sing all together:

'Efficiency and progress is ours once more
Now that we have the Neutron bomb
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done
Away with excess enemy
But no less value to property
No sense in war but perfect sense at home..'

:p :p :p
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Yes, that's me also... I never knew how handy would responsibility-avoiding -skill learnt in the army be in workinglife :grin: Nah, that's not totally true actually. We've only three-person-group here, so I do respect my mates and do my part. But still I find ways to avoid some things, you know... :muahaha:

I have nothing, or maybe I should say NOT THAT MUCH, against my co-workers, they can be sometimes quite nice (and oh, so still two-faces, i know you jealous poors, try to get a life, ha..!) But just those little shits on the 'top'..! Their problem is their rotten attitude. Their suckin lust to control and rule and have the power! Great. (and nothing's wrong with my attitude!! :mad: )

Fuckin clowns :hotjump:
damn I'm bloody hungry and you put this picture here.This is not faaaaaiiiiiirrrrr. uh. what was the purpose of this post?

Well, when I read the thread name I instantly started typing. I had about 500 names typed when my computer crashed. Since I didn't want to start all over again, I decided to post this picture instead. Posting pictures is fun. I can't even control it, it just happens.


Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
Well, when I read the thread name I instantly started typing. I had about 500 names typed when my computer crashed. Since I didn't want to start all over again, I decided to post this picture instead. Posting pictures is fun. I can't even control it, it just happens.

You're rrriiighth man! :lol: An ability to read (and especially to write!) is much too over-appreciated concept after all :yuk:

Wanna join in my Punk-Pand..ohnno need a skill to play just have fun but bring some pictures with!?! :hotjump: