Worst thing youve heard in bed?

hehe yeh. i was kind of crusty toilet paper......

actually that's what you should have done Hearse, is to have one of those avatars that changes after a few seconds. you could have it switching between your roll and a pile of crusty used toilet paper! now that would be classy! :)
yay, im pleased with this thread. :D

heres a good one:

on the night i lost my virginity to the love of my life (still with her, 3 years with 6 month hiatus-im rad), i was like 15 and was in 'party' mode and we were going to a mates bday bash. being as comfortsble with my sexuality as i am i dressed up as a gay cop.
and GOD DAMN i was homo :lol: , i was really camp looking.
i had skin tightness, the handlebar mustach and aviators+cap.

so my girlie ends up loosin it to a fag enforcer but to top it all my bed collapsed in a titanic fashion halfway through.(1.5 mins approx.)

that was teh winnar of how to be romantic.
... My mum walking up to my door, banging on it saying 'can you go to sleep please' about 4am. Ok so she was a bit of a screamer and I was getting a bit carried away - i didn't think anyone was in at the time :S