Worst way to DIE!


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
Ok, "DIE!" does suffice,so discuss this. (I got the idea from the GMD board)
that's what I posted there :

for males : someone squeezing your balls to death.
for females : pouring whatever burning substance in your vagina until it's over flown.
that's what I can think of right now.

Sawing is a method of torture and execution.
The condemned was hung upside down and then sawed apart down the middle, starting at the groin. Since the condemned was hanging upside-down, the brain received a continuous blood supply in spite of the severe bleeding. The condemned would remain completely conscious until the saw severed the major blood vessels of the abdomen, and sometimes even longer. In Asian countries, the condemned stood up while constrained and sawing started at the head. According to some religious histories, the prophet Isaiah was executed in this manner.

The Roman Emperor Caligula was said to particularly enjoy giving out this method of torture.[1]

Sawing was used to execute condemned in Europe under the Roman Empire, in the Middle East as referenced in the Bible and in parts of Asia.
The old slitting a gut open and nailing one end of the intestines to a tree, then being forced to walk around the tree till it goes 'plop'
out of your body has always seemed pretty bad to me.
From all accounts I've heard of being Tar'd N Feathered is actually worse than drowning, as heat exhaustion kicks in to the killing point right when you start to suffocate as well.
Impalement as a method of torture and execution involves a person being pierced with a long stake. The penetration could be through the sides, through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth. This method leads to a painful death, sometimes taking days. The stake would often be planted in the ground, leaving the impaled person suspended to die.

In some forms of impalement, the stake would be inserted so as to avoid immediate death, and would function as a plug to prevent blood loss. After preparation of the victim, perhaps including public torture and rape, the victim was stripped and an incision was made in the perineum between the genitals and rectum. A stout pole with a blunt end was inserted. A blunt end would push vital organs to the side, greatly slowing death.

The pole would often come out of the body at the top of the sternum and be placed against the lower jaw so that the victim would not slide farther down the pole. Often, the victim was hoisted into the air after partial impalement. Gravity and the victim's own struggles would cause him to slide down the pole

Medieval tortures were definitely the worst ways to die, I have to say our ancestors were sick motherfuckers.

Worst way to die that doesn't include a person torturing you, I hear drowning is a horrible way to go. When you become too oxygen depraved your lungs force you to inhale whatever you can, often tearing holes in the lungs. You guys ever inhaled even a little water? That will put you in a coughing fit and can hurt like bitch, now imagine all you can inhale while coughing is more water:S Brutal man.
fuck, that reminds me of my 10 years old friend (yeah kids) who used to have random strokes and who was mentally handicaped, he had one last year while swimming and he died drawn in the sea. RIP Ahmed :(