Worst way to DIE!

Being covered in nitric acid. I've once seen someone get a bit on their hand which then burned a hole in their skin... must be pretty damn painful. :zombie:

Being buried alive.

I could think of more but those are basically the ones that came up first.
lol, besides getting raped by a T-Rex these suggestions fail in comparison to the first page!

Although it would be hilarious to be able to rip your own head off. If this video ended with him jsut tearing off his head I would ROFL

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The funniest part is when he starts ripping off his own clothes and flopping around like a fish. That kid must get ripped on so bad at school for this:lol:
If you read the book about 'The Ice Man' (a.k.a. Richard Kuklinski), he made some nasty kills throughout his 'career'. One time he killed someone, he tied the guy to a tree, first ripped his scrotum off with his bare hands, then cut off his penis with a hunting knife. Then slowly cut off pieces of skin and flesh till he was just a bleeding wreck. When the first pain wave had somewhat diminished, he poured salt in the wounds. Eventually he threw him into the sea for sharks to devour...
....suffocating from the lack of air in your coffin because you weren't really dead but they buried you anyway