Worth buying into the b7k hype ?


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
So let me start off by saying that i'm a big fan and user of the sansamp RBI, i just love the way it can turn a j-bass into something that sounds like oil tankers crushing into eachother.

Having some money to burn I was thinking of getting the darkglass b7k to maybe replace the RBI but my mind is not made up completely. The demos i've found are pretty much hit or miss. Nolly's demo is obviously great sounding although it sounds a bit more tame then the oil tanker sound i'm always chasing. Some of the clips sound down right like complete garbage (especialy concidering the price of the unit)

What say thy ?
I own a b7k and a BDDI (not the RBI, but similar character). They are different boxes. The B7k is more aggressive and the EQ is a lot more powerful. Because of this I think some guys over do it.
Overall I think the B7k is killer but if you just want more distortion it's worth looking at classics like the rat.