Would be great if everybody from this board....


Female Rocker


could meet up for a nice barbeque, listening to loud rockmusic (Saxon, of couse!;) ). I imagine a place near a lake somewhere, the sun is shining, friendly people with the same taste in music, hmmm....that would be suuuuuuper!!!!!!!

Excellent idea!! Would need to be a worldwide thing though. Maybe I could set up a fan day somewhere like other clubs do and have a meet ........ mmmmmm I'll think about it!

Hey Female Rocker, this idea sounds sort of familar to me ... are you German by any chance and if so, do you read the True Metal Forum on the Rock Hard website ? :) Just wondering because the regular people there are currently organizing such a barbecue party in central Germany and some of them are also known as Saxon fans ...

A barbecue party for this board would definitely be a cool idea, only question is where would be the right location i. e. where are most people from who read this board ? As for German, Dutch and Belgian people this particular barbecue place (see above) would be sort of suitable I guess since it is located sort of "in the centre of it all". And it is at a lake as well !


The location for this meet up should be in Biffs back garden! Saxon could also be there and play an acoustic set! Now that would be good!

If Biff's garden is too small you can all come to mine, just as long as the boys come too! Trip to Bonnie Scotland would benefit you all. Nice clean air, Scotch and mad cow disease free (apart from me, some say I was born with it). Plenty of room for a large Barbie, lots of veggie and non veggie food and my special banana cream pie. Lets do it somewhere.

@Saxonhead: YES - you caught me ;) !!! I am JIL and sometimes posting on that Rockhard discussion forum. Great to meet you here!! I think it's possible, I had that Rock Hard barbeque thing still somewhere in my mind and in my head which gave me the idea to talk about it here as well! I really have to go and check the Rock Hard Page again, haven't been there for a while..hmm..;)

Zandro: wow, that invitation sound really gooooood to me!!! Where in Scotland do you live? Half of my family does live in England & Scotland and I haven't been there for over a year now. I am missing it so much!!!
Hihi - it's a bit funny to ask for that on the SAXON Board, but could you maybe post me your banana cream pie recepie (is that spelled right?? r-e-c-e-p-i-e..??) pleeeeeease? My husband probably will love this pie, he's from Scotland as well. He's always happy if I prepare him Scottish or English Food from time to time.

Hi Zandro!!
Scotland is great, we've been there in 1993 for a round trip by car.The landscapes are amazing so quiet and heather
so far as you can see, we loved it.
Finally I'm a fan of pure malt too ;) cheers!
I know the Scots are very hospitable and so it would be a great idea having a board-barbeque in Scotland or maybe in
England( wherever there would be a SAXON-GIG).I love this idea because we also wanted to travel around northern England and Scotland again in the nearer future.
And please tell us from which city do you come from!?

greetings Michael :)


I live in a small village outside Edinburgh. Too small to be known and famous for nothing. I am a Scot born & bred and am totally biased about Scotland so do not ask me to elaborate about anything to do with my country. My sister and I have even had the nerve to sing 'Flower of Scotland' in the midst of a Saxon gig. As for the banana cream pie, post your e.mail address and I will send it. I can't put it on the message board. As for the Malt, mine is a BooBoo, Southern Comfort and Baileys on ice. Not very Scottish.

I'd love to attend!!!! But I live in America. :(
But what a great idea! I'd love to meet some SAXON fans from around the world in person.