Would this give me a sort of Cult Of Luna sound??

I have played that model you are linking to, and its more of a smooth crunchsound.
We borrowed a couple of them to our old band(We played a mix of Heavymetal and the Gothenburghsound.), and it just wouldnt do it.
It kinda reminds me of the Peavey Valveking, although the Valveking can get pretty mean if you want to(And the Traynor wont.).
Cool. Thanks, I'll probably skip it then. Any recommendations for a Cult of Luna style sound? Cleans and dist btw.
Well, my price range is unlimited really, I've got a good job and I can save money.


I just won a Mesa Boogie rectoverb 50watt online, so I think I'm sorted for a while at least. I can augment it with pedals if I need to.

Still interested in recommendations though, in case it doesn't work out.