Would this work? - OH Mic question

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
I should be getting a Profire 2626 at the end of the month, which will finally allow me to record drums :)kickass:) Anyways, I was thinking about how I would go about it considering my collection of Mics, which are:

1 x AT2020
2 x Behringer C2 Pencil Condensers :)erk:)
1 x Samson Qkick
2 x Samson Toms mics
1 x Samson Snare Mic
1 x SM58
1 x SM57

Obviously the Behringers are shit, but I most likely won't have the money to buy another AT2020, or a pair of better condensers to mic OH with right away.

Here's my idea: what if I used 3 OH mics? I could use the AT2020 in the center since it sounds the best, and the 2 C2's on the left and right sides. I've seen pictures of guys recording with 3 OH mics before, and my reasoning is the the shittiness of the C2's would hopefully be somewhat minimized by the better sounding AT2020 in the center.

Am I stupid, or would this perhaps work? :lol:

That could certainly work, using the 2020 to get the main sound of the drums and snare and the C2's to capture more cymbals and get some width.
id use the behringers as main overheads and the 2020 as a room mic. you can only get so wide when you are trying to get most of the sound from one mic.
Trust me Greg, new OH mics will be next on the list after the Profire 2626, I just probably won't have enough money to do both at the same time :erk: