Got about $200 to spend: Preamp or mic?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I've got about $200 to spend on my recording rig right now. I want to either get a new mic, or a preamp. I prefer to buy used if at all possible.

Currently, I have a Shure SM57 and an Audio Technica AT2020. My recording interface is an RME Fireface 400. I am mainly looking for a way to improve my recording of female vocalists. The AT2020 is a bit too thin and clear, and the SM57 isn't quite sensitive enough. I like them both for male vocalists, the AT2020 adds just the right amount of air and cut to higher harsh vocals and clean vocals and the SM57 is great for harsh vocals.

I was looking at the Studio Projects VTB-1, since it has a lower impedance option that will help the SM57 sound better. Also, the tube "warmth" may add what I want to the AT2020.

Alternatively, a new mic may do what I want as well, and would probably be a bit more "fun". I don't know where to start looking for that, though, so any suggestions are appreciated.

What's your recommendation?
Save your money and get a properly descent pre like a DAV BG1 or RNP, I personally wouldn't expext much better, if at all, from the vtb-1 than ff400 pre's.

If you do go for it, get a new mic, like an AT4033.

I definitely vote saving up at least $300 and spending it all on a new mic, which will make A LOT more of a difference for the better than a new preamp with your current mics! +1 for the AT4033CL
Yeah, to expand on what I said above, I mention the 4033CL specifically because while many people boner over the AT4040, I've also heard complaints about its slightly overbearing high-end, which isn't as pronounced in the 4033; observe:
Well, I already have an AT2020, and while the AT4040 and 4033CL would certainly be an improvement, I'd like to get something warmer and smoother with more character. I'm happy with the AT2020 for what it does.
as for the vtb1 vs ff400 - i have them both. they're pretty close actually. best thing about the vtb1 is it's hiZ in, which is really damn good imho! better than the ff400 as far as i am concerned.
regarding preamp quality, they're pretty similar...the ff400 is a tad clearer with less coloration, whereas the vtb1 has seperate gain and output levels so you can drive it a bit harder, which together with the tube blend can add a nice grit on guitars WHEN DONE CAREFULLY.
but as i already said, the difference is very slight. for the money the vtb1 is really damn good, but if you already have a fireface i'd not consider it to be an upgrade really.

i'd say think about new mics, the shure sm7 is really good as far as dynamic mics go, and in your pricerange you could also get a rode nt1 LDC.....but then again, you already have a condenser, so a sm7 might actually be a better choice. i haven't compared the nt1 to the at2020 though.
Cool! I've got a Little Labs Redeye DI that I think will cover me for HiZ input, but if you've had a chance, how does the VTB-1 handle an SM57 with the different impedances? Do you notice an improvement in sound with the lower impedance option on the VTB1?
Well, I already have an AT2020, and while the AT4040 and 4033CL would certainly be an improvement, I'd like to get something warmer and smoother with more character. I'm happy with the AT2020 for what it does.

I dunno dude, they may be by the same manufacturer, but I think you'd be pretty amazed how different they sound!
haven't messed around with the impedance switch at all to be honest.

i might do a lil comparison clip though....i'm kinda busy with tracking an album right now though, but maybe i'll have time for it this weekend :)
haven't messed around with the impedance switch at all to be honest.

i might do a lil comparison clip though....i'm kinda busy with tracking an album right now though, but maybe i'll have time for it this weekend :)

That would be great, whenever you have time! Thanks! :)

If you are looking for something warmer I would go with a ribbon mic.


That's something else I've been considering. What ribbons would you recommend in the price range?
The t bone ( i think they're sold as Nady in the U.S?) rb 100 is great for it's price on vocals and is alot warmer than either of your current mics. Dual micing with an sm57 is my current go to vocal set-up for clean sung male vocals, works a treat I think. Cheap as chips too!
If you can get a used cascade fathead then maybe go for that- they're supposed to be in the same sonic ballpark as the t bone but a little better and clearer sounding
your mics aren't great, but they aren't terrible either

i'd say to try and score a used MPA'll sound a lot better now, and will sound even better later if you replace the crap chinese tubes