Would u still like Testament if...

Sep 13, 2002
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they'd continue in the Ritual direction?

well, I'd still like them if they were writing good songs and not commercial/radio friendly pop songs?

NP: Testament - Return To Serenity (Acoustic)
I liked the Ritual at the time. I'd say I'd still like the band too. I was all into it because that was all that was out and it was , well .... Testament! But that got put to rest after I heard Low from the first track.
well i will if testament becomes de ac dc of the heavy metal , but if testament chandge to nu shit or rap or industrial its over for me, but we all know that
Return to Serenity is one of the best Testament songs I have heard. I think it would be good to put some songs like these on their albums, but not completely like this.
I liken the slower songs like trail of tears and return to serenity to metallica's more melodic ballads. They may not be the songs that made them famous, but they are arguably some of the best.
I'm gonna say probably not. I didn't like the Ritual at all when it came out, after already being disappointed with Souls, so I probably would have given up on them if they put another album like that out. Granted, over time, I have found there are good songs on Ritual and I don't think it's that bad at all, but the teenage me would have been very angry. :)
I would not be a Testament fan if it werent for The Gathering and Demonic it took me almost a year to appreciate stuff before low

think what you will... but demonic and Especialy the Gathering are awesome albums.
there just way too Metal for most people to handel everyone wants light n fluffy music to listen too...

Hail Testament the true metal gods
The Ritual had its moments, and when they occured, it was worth it. Return to Serenity and Electric Crown are great songs in my opinion. I know i would still listen to them , just maybe not as devotedley if they had stuck with that style.
I just want to see them fucking tour the states! Its been a loooong time, the longer they hold off, the worse off they'll be. I dont think they should wait to do another album. I think an old school setlist "welcome back Chuck" tour is NEEDED!!!!! WTF!!!! Book some shows and tour, lets go guys, cut the shit! FUCKING SET UP A TOUR GOD DAMMIT!!!!! hahahaha!
Im feeling deprived. Im tired of hearing about all these fucking west coast shows, you have fans out east too! At least book a handfull of shows out here if nothing else like NY/MA/NJ/PA/IL
I dont think its too much to ask they take a week and do this this. 5 shows - east coast, lets fucking do it!!!!!