Would you eat dog meat?

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I think it's just hilarious. The terms they had for different dog dishes made me laugh out loud. In Western culture, most people view eating dog as being a taboo almost as unacceptable as cannibalism (I, however, do not share this view).
oh, those cra-azy south africans :rolleyes:

I would eat dog if I had to though, no doubt. As a delicacy though ...probably not.
"I'd eat a pig's ass if they cook it right". name that movie.

I'd definitely eat dog if i was over in a foreign country, it's fun trying out other's delicacies. however, as long as i'm in the states, i have no interest to find it.

I hate dogs also. They scare the crap out of me. The only reason dogs are domesticated is because people are idiots.
I couldn't find the funny part in the article.
This was the funniest part:

404: A dog is also called 404 after the French-built Peugeot pick-up van, a tribute to a dog's ability to run fast
Headlights: A dish with the eyes of a dog as the most prominent component
Gear Box: Dog's liver, heart and kidneys (usually more expensive than ordinary meat)
Tyre: A dog's legs. Mr Umoh claims that eating a 'tyre' makes you a fast runner
Telephone: A dog's tail
Sentencing: The act of clubbing a dog to death rather than slaughtering it
It's ironic that people will say something like eating a dog is 'disgusting' yet they eat other animals (that are pets) just the same.
Dogs and Cats are domesticated and a deer or cow is not. People eating dogs or cats is a bit odd regardless if you put spices and sauces and cooked it well and it tasted good. That's kinda fucked up.
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