Would you eat dog meat?

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Kinda looks like a large, elongated chicken, doesn't it?
This was the funniest part:

404: A dog is also called 404 after the French-built Peugeot pick-up van, a tribute to a dog's ability to run fast
Headlights: A dish with the eyes of a dog as the most prominent component
Gear Box: Dog's liver, heart and kidneys (usually more expensive than ordinary meat)
Tyre: A dog's legs. Mr Umoh claims that eating a 'tyre' makes you a fast runner
Telephone: A dog's tail
Sentencing: The act of clubbing a dog to death rather than slaughtering it

That isn't even remotely funny...
You're a fucking cockhead. Getting your kicks out of disgusting those of us who happen to be dog lovers is lame third grade bullshit. Go fuck yourself.
Stop being such a bloody pussy.

Yes, I'd probably eat dog if it was prepared correctly and smelled good.

I don't see anything pussy-like in objecting to the utterly tasteless treatment of a sensitive topic. You may have no soul, but you can't blame other people for having one.
I know the last pic was tasteless, I was just getting a rise out of Satanstoenail. TBH, I've hated that guy for a while. I wanna show some of these pics to this one cunt at work, who happens to be the biggest dog lover I've ever met.
no. because thats just wrong. yeah, I'm hypocrite cause I'll eat other animals, but I wont eat domesticated animals.
I've eaten rabbit before. Some people have rabbits as pets. But I've never eaten dog or cat. I've heard that eating the meat of carnivorous animals is unhealthy (chicken, cows, pigs, turkeys, etc. are herbivores). I don't hate dogs, but I would eat dog meat if I were visitng a country where it is customary to eat dog. Also, in most cases (at least in Asia, less so in Africa), it is a very specific breed of dog (different from pet dogs) that is bred for comsumption.
I've eaten Ostrich, Buffalo, Wild Boar, Rabbit and Kangaroo.

I had the chance to order horse meat in Montreal, but I ordered the rabbit instead.
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