Would you eat dog meat?

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I'd eat any meat except for human meat.

What about fried spiders?

Well, disgusting or not, people eat anything nowadays. Specially the Chinese, I believe they could survive any catastrophic drought or famine by living on Scorpions and Spiders.

I am vegetarian. Don't eat meat (or eggs).
I know the last pic was tasteless, I was just getting a rise out of Satanstoenail. TBH, I've hated that guy for a while.

lol. You hate me? Man, you obviously take this shit a little bit too seriously. Good stuff. You got me. You offended me. Congrats. I'll console myself by thanking fuck that I'm not a humourless thin-skinned fucktard with all the personality of a plank of wood. :)
Poodles think they're badass!

.. you're a little poodle fuck off.
One of my aunts had two rottweilers. You might aswell have pet bears. Scary as fuck
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