Would you go fight in Iraq?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Heard discussion today about Bush considering a US draft. If you're an American citizen, what would you do if your name was called up?

Can anyone say "Vietnam"?
It's completely a moot point because I'm 31, but yes, I would.

NAD, you fucker. I don't know if you're serious or not, but there is a new act being put in place (can't recall its name or reason for being offhand) that will make it VERY difficult to cross the USA/Canada border. Before you go screaming "Nazi police state," it was an agreement born out of EQUAL desire between the USA and Canada.
I don't think I would be subject to the draft anyhow (bum knee, 25, plus I told a recruiting office in high school that I poked smot :tickled: ), but I would probably make a serious consideration to leave the country. The draft is utter bullshit, there is no reason to force people to go to war when we have plenty of full time and reservists.

If I was already in the armed forces I wouldn't go AWOL though, regardless of my thoughts toward the Iraq situation. If I was serving, it'd be my job. Since I'm not, it isn't.
There's a scene in Enemy at the Gates that I absolutely LOVE and refer to it often. Toward the beginning, when all the drafted soldiers are going to fight and every other one is given a gun ("if your comrade dies, pick up his gun and fight"). Anyhow, half the soldiers turn around to flee the battle once they see they have no chance, and their own side shoots them down. That is the short answer to why Communist Russia failed.

You have to give the citizens a reason to fight, you cannot force them. Recruiting allows a reason, drafting is forcing.

My dad was drafted into Vietnam by the way. He was a student too, which was thought to be one way out of the draft, but it didn't work for him.
Fuck no. They usually take the 18-21 year olds first, then move to the 22-25 year olds I think. I'm 26 with declining eyesight (had to get glasses recently) and a shoulder that probably couldn't take the kickback from a machine gun too much, due to surgery.

Plus, Mexico isn't too far, and the dollar goes a long way down there.

And the thought of dying so greedy executives can fatten their wallets isn't too apealing.
BWD, I would think you would want to support your best friend, and not hightail it and leave him hanging. You could look at it that way.

J is right Ali, 18-20 are the first age group, followed by 21, 22, 23 up to 25. There is almost no conceivable way it would ever get beyond that, as the war would quite literally have to be on a world war scale at that point. And that's just not a viable option in the 21st century.

NAD: the reasons for the draft, btw, are not to "force" people in serving in the military, it's to make it completely non-partisan and unbiased as to WHO serves. Blacks, whites, latinos, men, women, rich, poor, I think that SHOULD be the case.

Also, how many people here are even aware that the legislation that would re-enact the draft was conscripted by 13 Democrat senators?
markgugs said:
NAD: the reasons for the draft, btw, are not to "force" people in serving in the military, it's to make it completely non-partisan and unbiased as to WHO serves. Blacks, whites, latinos, men, women, rich, poor, I think that SHOULD be the case.
Can't say I've ever heard it explained that way before. Sounds like affirmative action and quotas to me, both of which I loathe like those monkeys in Planet of the Apes loathe bananas.

Is this the same bill that Rangel and that other dude tried to get through last year, in their message to Congressmen that "if your kid's asses were on the line, you wouldn't want a war in Iraq"?
NAD said:
when all the drafted soldiers are going to fight and every other one is given a gun ("if your comrade dies, pick up his gun and fight"). Anyhow, half the soldiers turn around to flee the battle once they see they have no chance, and their own side shoots them down. That is the short answer to why Communist Russia failed.
They didn't get that many guns, really. Mostly there was about one in five that got one.
this is unbelievalbe, Nicodemix said the most brilliant thing .. thats a miracle
Worst than soldiers , are all the businessmen going to Iraq, to exploit a dead country, and build factories over the corpses. Those who did , got what they deserved
If I was of age, and it was a cause I believed in, I would go if called. Would I volunteer? I'm not sure. I'd like to think I would, but it's hard to know unless you're put in that situation.

Fuck going to Iraq.

No good porn.

And like a Mexican slipping in over the border through Texas illegally, I'd be slipping out, either through Mexico or right on into Canada.

I love my country, but it's government is a rotting corpse, corrupted by greed, twisted beyond repair without going through a revolutionary event.