Go ahead and sink your teeth into this theory on Iraq.......

JayKeeley said:
Well, I voted for Blair and his New Labour party. I cannot believe that Britain is on the verge of another Tory government. You had it all Mr Blair, you had the nation on your side, and then you became a sock puppet to a retarded chimp.

Keep your pecker up, Jay. maybe the Liberal Democrats will get in.

:err: :Smug: :grin: :tickled:

Sorry, I tried to keep a straight face.
What's really scary is how leading up to Kerry's announcement of Edwards as his running mate, we started hearing talk of imminent terrorist attacks. And now that they're looking promising, the talks are of threats concerning our elections... hoping to scare people from turning out at the polls...

This administartion will stop short of nothing to assure their position.. I think the war is proof enough of that.

Yeah that terror warning coming out the other day that said "sometime between now and election day" made me laugh. I'll bet the terror alert gets raised a notch a few weeks before election day, to give the non-registered enough time to sign up and vote for Bush.

Oh yeah, and if that ridiculous terror alert thingy isn't the most idiotic thing to come out of the US gov't, I'll eat a piece of my shoe.
I agree, the only reason for issuing such a vague "alert" is to reinforce the state of fear under which the Patriot Act and other draconian legislation got through...and I doubt it will work to ensure his reelection, even in polls where Bush has a slight lead it's usually credited to the economy and a minority of voters consider the war on terror (tm) to be their top priority.