Would you mind recommending some bands of this type?


Jun 8, 2002
I'm looking for some instrumental technical progressive rock/metal.

The ones I've started listening to so far are:

The Cancer Conspiracy
Actual Time

Side note (but related): For those of you that recognize the movie from which I got my avatar, don't you think it would be great if there was something like Dysrhythmia playing in the background?
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I'm looking for some instrumental technical progressive rock/metal.

The ones I've started listening to so far are:

The Cancer Conspiracy
Actual Time
Never heard of any of those bands.
All I could suggest are some bands that are more towards jazz and fusion than rock.
- Planet X
- Niacin
- Simon Phillips (check out a cd called "Another Lifetime")
- On The Virg (Virgil Donati's solo-band. The album is called "Serious Young Insects")
- Tony MacAlpine (any of his albums)
- The Magic Elf (awesome instrumental progressive rock)

Side note (but related): For those of you that recognize the movie from which I got my avatar, don't you think it would be great if there was something like Dysrhythmia playing in the background?
Thanks for the bands.

Originally posted by Redelijk

My avatar decided that it's not going to show up, I don't know why. It is a picture of a guy from Waking Life, and my point was I think it would be cool to have something weird like Spastic Ink playing in the background of that.
Originally posted by Redelijk
Never heard of any of those bands.
All I could suggest are some bands that are more towards jazz and fusion than rock.
- Planet X
- Niacin
- Simon Phillips (check out a cd called "Another Lifetime")
- On The Virg (Virgil Donati's solo-band. The album is called "Serious Young Insects")
- Tony MacAlpine (any of his albums)
- The Magic Elf (awesome instrumental progressive rock)


LOL dude you really like Tony Mac, he's amazing indeed, oh and CAB = win! great great great stuff.

Did you ever check out Bozzio Levin Stevens?
If not.... Do it!! Very cool!


Fusion projects like "Show me what you can do"(Stu Hamm, Frank Gambale and Steve Smith) , Vital Tech Tones or Uzeb or also amazing and ultra inspiring for writing instrumental music.

Rob (Sun Caged)