wouldent it be cool if.........

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
Instead of hoobastank, incubus, and breaking benjamin being on the halo 2 soundtrack, it would be dream theater, children of bodom, and.........well the third one is still a toughie im thinking either symph x or pagans mind thats up to you though.

p.s Steve vai gets to stay on

Wouldnet be cool if people spelled wouldnet wouldn't


I never liked soundtracks that have rock songs. For me orchestral music is the best for video games. Example; Final Fantasy Series.
soundgarden said:

Wouldnet be cool if people spelled wouldnet wouldn't


I never liked soundtracks that have rock songs. For me orchestral music is the best for video games. Example; Final Fantasy Series.

your sig looks familer, are you on dt net also?
wayne the goblin/robot said:
i was once a member.........then i was banned.............too bad, i had some cool threads coming up, back then i was wayne the viking.

I am not an extreme DT fan, but I find the board members funny.

A lot of people get banned for stupid things.
soundgarden said:

Wouldnet be cool if people spelled wouldnet wouldn't


I never liked soundtracks that have rock songs. For me orchestral music is the best for video games. Example; Final Fantasy Series.

I think a mix of orchestral and metal would be the best. Therefore Symphony X would rock.

Vai's stuff on Halo 2 was pretty cool. My brother got it and I made him beat it so I could hear the stuff on the ending theme. But the tone sounded pretty shitty at times.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I think a mix of orchestral and metal would be the best. Therefore Symphony X would rock.

Vai's stuff on Halo 2 was pretty cool. My brother got it and I made him beat it so I could hear the stuff on the ending theme. But the tone sounded pretty shitty at times.

what about pagans mind?
where is this vai playing? is it just for the credits? i want to hear it

btw the opening sound that's on guitar sounds pretty cool thought it might have been vai when i first heard it, had no idea he was on the game
all those halo or whatever san andreas games should come up with original music for once. It's boring seeing known bands. Look at final fantasy, they have a composer for that music. I'm not a FF fan either, I like playing sports and gta, but even those games have unoriginal music.
Final Fantasy has had its share of non classical tracks...Boss music from FF7, for example, as well as all the random battle themes from FF1-FF6 and FF9, and I believe FF10. And of course, the ballads from FF8 - 10 (and IMO the only good one was FF8's, although I liked the melody from FF9's ballad when it was used elsewhere in the game).
After all the hype about the Incubus song(s) on the Halo 2 soundtrack, I really didn't see it as that impressive. It was ok, not great. Just because a song is long doesn't make it prog...and just because it's prog doesn't make it good. And we all know Mega Man had the best video game music. :)