wow finally

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
finally the bjork stalker's suicide video (uncut) has been released...i've always wanted to see him pull the trigger and finally i did. anyone interested?

if you listen closely after he gargles out of the camera view you hear what seems to be like a water pipe leaking badly, that is the blood comming out the nose, the bullet stays in the brain though.
yeah but the bullet is in his brain and he is dead...nothing great to be honest but still cool cause of the blood spewing on the ground and that every video i have seen was cut off right before he pulls the trigger.

*wishes ogrish would get back online but fat chance*
yeah goregasm is great, love that place too.

but ogrish was my favorite, i still go to the forum cause people post old videos from there.

nothingtoxic has some good things too, and funny videos too i recommend going there for a good laugh sometimes.
Old news. And it is real. 2 stars though, too much bullshit "waah waah, i'm gonna listen to Bjork and breathe heavy and talk about stupid shit" delivering an only moderate satisfactory ending. Also, way too much fat man nudity.

The sound he makes after he shoots though, priceless.
Yeah, the guy seems to much of a fruitcake to be THAT good of an actor. The hesitating, stalling, and psyching himself up for it seemed accurate enough. If you watch the Budd R Dwyer video, the gun sounded the same. I'm just curious why or how the bullet didnt leave.