wow finally

That's a very weird question. If you're curious about what will happen to you when you die in different scenarios, sure. Lifeless bodies in caskets are weird, so you COULD work backwards if you want. Watch autopsy videos and videos of people dying. It kinda makes you appreciate stuff a little more.
Or you may end up having a dual nature about it, like having great fear of your own death, but find others dying absolutely hilarious.
I already have a great fear of death. Not death itself just comprehending the nothingness afterwards. I'm gonna watch some death videos later. I hope it doesn't make me lose attraction to women, thinking about their innards instead of boobs.
He thinks being able to visualize their innards changes the fact their boobies make awesome pillows.
Nah, I'm pointing out that just being able to visualize someone's insides doesn't mean you do it uncontrollably, it's like having a penis... having one doesn't mean uncontrollable erections unless you're 15 or some hot lady tries to powder your face with boobage.