Wow, I received a email from Neil Turbin!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
*Check this out! I logged onto the neil turbin website awhile back and send him a email and he replied! Sounds like Neil is doing great, and I'm excited to hear the new album. Neil is a class act all the way, check out his email to me below.

Cheerz everybody!

Hey what's up AugDawg? Cool name. I've been
diligently working on my album, which by the way
is METAL! It will be out sometime later in
2002. I get into the studio when both schedules
allow. It's not a one shot deal where the band
goes in and records the whole thing. The
approach is non atypical since I am tracking a
collection of songs in order to keep continuity
of a similar vibe. The way we used to do it in
Anthrax is we'd record the basic tracks, the
rhythm overdubs, the guitars, etc... On the
first Anthrax album we ran out of time and
money, and the vocals ended up getting rushed.
30 days to do everything else, then 2 days to do
the vocals and then 2 days to do the mix. It
sucked bigtime. Anyway, that won't be the case
this time around. Vocally, I have grown way
beyond my years with Anthrax and look forward to
putting out a really heavy debut album.
Everyone who has heard the roughs had basically
the same comment - Man thats some heavy shit
dude. Mitch Perry, Kurt James and Vernon
Anderson rip their way through it. Mitch says
I'm singing my ass off. I guess I would have to
agree. You can stay in touch with me through
my message board or by email if you'd like. I
will try to send you something when its
completed. Very cool to hear from you.

Keep the Fire!
I remember reading Turbins 20 Questions with and he seemed like a pretty down to earth guy, this proves it........
P.S. That responce was much better than the one I got from Scott Ian........"I promise we wil come back 2 Scotland, peace".......
Ya know, I read that 20 questions too and it left me with a "Neil Turbin kicks ass!" attitude. Then of course I was just screwing around and for the fun of it typed in to see what popped up.... Well, its Neil Turbin's site, that game the "XAnthrax Game" where you shoot little mooing birds, or flying cows (whatever they are). That made me go "Neil Turbin is a bastard! Anybody looking for more info on Scott Ian is duped into Neil Turbin's site!" That bothered me a lot, but at the end of the night, I just hope that that was not purposely to get more people at his site by stealing Scott's name, coz thats just dumb. Neil Turbin still rocks for his 20 question though, and of course his vocals, so I am absolutely gonna buy his new record! So all in all, Neil Turbin is a + in my book.
I've already received 3 e-mails from Billy Milano and I'm basically like a pen pal buddy with the editor of Metal Hammer magazine and I urged you all to write to him but none of you gave a damn!!
Now you think you're amazing for getting a reply from a nobody like Neil Turbin who has been none existent for a long time now.
I've been out of the loop for a bit. If you please, may I have both Neil's and Metal Hammer's editor's e-mail addresses. I'd appreciate it .. thanks.


n.p. -- 'Trust' - Megadeth (RIP)
You do but not anybody else! Thank you Thraxdude and BratPrincess for the support!

:) :)

And to anthraxgod the e-mail address for Chris Ingham of Metal Hammer is:
You can talk about porn or whatever with him but remember that being nice helps to get a reaction.

Oh and if you want to spank, err talk to Billy Milano his e-mail address is:
Enjoy, you might have an urgency to be rude to Billy, but I actually think he is quite nice when I e-mail him.
Try him for yourself.
Oh I can see it coming..... Billy you bastard how could you talk about Scot that way!!?
Originally posted by bitemyass
this is cool info.


I couldn't agree with you more! Neil is a class act, and I would encourage you to email him. He does take awhile to respond, but I bet he would be glad to hear from you. Good to have you on the board!

Hmmmmmm... that's interesting.
I wonder if Blabbermouth just copied Augdawgs message....
You know, I think Neil sent me a pre-made message or template, with the front of the email personalized. That's cool though, at least he responded to me. But on the other hand, that's pretty funny if blabbermouth had to copy my email to get any information on Neil Turbin! Either way, kinda of humorous
