Wow, Kranks are pretty sweet.

[Copied from my Page]
My first chance to dial in a Krank. These guys came in with a new Rev1+ and I was pretty impressed. With all the young amp manufacturers surfacing in the metal scene lately it can be difficult to cut through all the industry bullshit, but I can definitely say that the Krank held it’s own with my stack of "tried and true" amps. Two tracks from a Jackson Rhoads Pro with stock pickups > Krank Rev1+ > over-sized Mesa 4×12 > SM57 > N72. I already got a hold of Krank and should be getting my new Krankenstein+ in a few weeks.

We tracked and mixed a 4 song EP in about 10 days, with the last 2 for the mix. Get a hold of the band if your interested in picking up a copy.

Check out the track here.
Yea, I'm excited. I'm gonna borrow the Rev+1 from that dude when the stein gets here and try them out side by side. May end up getting both. We'll see i guess.

yeah, interested in the rev+ as well....unfortunately the contact with Krank is rather slow atm ;)

looking forward to hear your opinion when you get to compare them
When I tested their heads, only the Chadwick stood out as one I'd get. Mix sounds good.
...and it arrives.

Haven't messed with it much yet but it sure does look bad ass. Makes me want to paint all my amps black.

I wonder if they use those big bulky handles so it always has to be the top amp in the stack? :lol: Kind of annoying.


Yeah, I'm REALLY interested as well to hear your thoughts on the differences - I know there have been some good tones recorded with the 'stein, but I hate Dime's tone so very very much I find it hard to believe it'd be better than the Rev (and yes, I know Dime never recorded anything with the 'stein, but it is his signature amp and I doubt his taste in horrible tone changed too much)
Well I don't have them side by side and I haven't even miced up the Krankenstein yet, but at first impression I like the stein better. Seams to have more mids (the mid knob actually does something, on the rev it was almost pointless) and a little grittier tone in a good way.

It's going to be a couple weeks until I'm reamping again and will have them both in the studio.

And BTW, I hate Dimes tone too.
Isn't the difference between the Rev and Krankenstein similar to the difference between the 6505 and 6505+? I haven't played or recorded a Rev but as I understand, it's basically the same as the Krankenstein save for the boost which is really just effects anyway, right? And of course the Stein has the global volume which I guess adds quite a bit of versatility, though I usually have the global volume near max most of the time anyway.

I may be talking out of my ass here, but what I gather is that anything you can do with the Rev you can also do with the Stein, but the reverse is not always true.
When I was in talks with Krank over an endorsement deal, they told me that the stein has an extra gain stage "circuit" to give it the "bacon frying" sizzle that Dime liked in his SS amps. Other than that, they told me it was pretty much the same amp. This was at NAMM in '05, though.
When I was in talks with Krank over an endorsement deal, they told me that the stein has an extra gain stage "circuit" to give it the "bacon frying" sizzle that Dime liked in his SS amps. Other than that, they told me it was pretty much the same amp. This was at NAMM in '05, though.

Wow. It finally all comes together. That makes so much sense to me. :zombie: