Wrathchild America


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Do any of you recognize this band? I came across and picked up a CD of theirs called, Climbin' The Walls, in a bargin bin today at a used CD/book store. I've heard of the band, but I can't tell you one song that they sing. Anyway, after doing a little searching, apparently they were a decent band. It turns out that Wrathchild's drummer is the current drummer for Godsmack, which surprised me. :err:

Anyway, any fans, comments, live performance experiences, etc.?
yea they used to be based in the Maryland,Virginia area!!! They had a release after that called 3D which was good but not nearly as good as their debut IMO!!! Saw them open for Testament on the The New Order tour and they we excellent live!!!! Later they changed their name to Souls At Zero but never reclaimed there glorious days of Climbin the Walls!!!!
Wow that name is a blast from the past! (they were a "local band" for me here in Northern Virginia).

Cool band, slightly unique sound from the rest of the pack at the time. Straight ahead metal, heavy and good grooves, singer was cool. Definitely worth picking up and listening. I'd even say they could fit in the thrash category, they were very diverse genre wise.
That's a great bargain bin pickup! Cool disc...I still spin it every now and then. I remember stealing it from a co-worker back when I was in high school :lol:. I especially like the songs London After Midnight (great little Jack the Ripper song :headbang: ) and Silent Darkness (Smothered Life). However the cd could really use a remaster.

@booB & panzermastery: thanks for the info on what happened to them...might have to check those out. FYI--Rockdetector.com shows another morphing into a band called Lucertola, but there's no recordings listed.

If these are the same dudes I'm thinking of, my favorite tune they did was an old blues tune called "I Ain't Drunk,I'm Just Drinking"

They also "judged" a guitar contest that a good friend of mine entered at a bar in the Chicago 'burbs...

Killer band.. Climbin...and 3D were both great albums in their own right. 2 different sounds but both solid. I saw them with Testament in Allentown, PA- awesome show(as I remember)!!?? Souls at Zero- not too bad, more of a 90's style, but still good. I would recommend any of their cd's...
Wrathchild (they had to add the America because they couldnt get their record distributed in England because of the glam band with the same name) were awesome. Came around at the same time in the scene as Kix, Chlid's Play and even Crack the Sky (CTS was actually around a while before the others came) (Brad, Wrathchild's singer/bassist, played with Kix on the Cool Kids album). They were on some 20/20 type of show back in the day about the life of a up & coming rock band trying to make it. When they changed to Souls at Zero their sound got a bit darker - less straight ahead and jammy (IMO) but was still better than most of the stuff coming out at that time.
Oddly enough, they didnt seem to play out nearly as much as Kix or Child's Play. I think that may have had to do with the fact that the party was always at their place lol.

Great band - I had just dug out the 1st 2 cds a few weeks ago wihle waiting for more bands to be announced to the fest :) Makes me feel young again - well, almost.

Yeah, they put on an energetic show. I saw 'em co-headline with Pantera in Grand Rapids, MI in '91. No more than 150 people there, but both bands ripped it up.

Ah, the stories I could tell (if I could only remember them...lol). WA/SaZ were a great band, and a great bunch of guys. I was surprised when Shannon joined up with Godsmack, but it's a good match I think. Climbin the Walls and the s/t Souls at Zero are my favorites, but 3-D is also up there. :kickass:
Well, I'm still spinning it, so I'm having to warm up to it still. It's hard for me to go into listening to an older band cold like this. It took a while for me to warm up to Savatage too, but once it clicked, it clicked! ;)
Also, I'm sure most know, but if I am not mistaken Shannon Larkin (drummer) has been in Godsmack for quite a while now.

Yeah, he was also in Ugly Kid Joe a while back, IIRC.

Anyway, great band, used to love them. The Souls at Zero stuff never quite did it for me as much, but I do have those discs as well.

As a matter of fact, my first show ever at Centerstage was Pantera and Wrathchild, back in April of '91. The stage was about a foot and a half high and I spent the entire night practically sitting on it... it was impossible to stand being pushed forward so much, and there was no barrier, so finally Phil Anselmo just told me to sit next to his monitor. Bryant was there as well.

Their next album, 3-D, was more mature-sounding and overall even better then CtW IMO. They had a couple of Anne Rice-inspired songs (Gentleman Death and Forever Alone), and I had a really cool conversation with Shannon regarding those songs. Cool bunch of guys; my friend Angel and I hung out on the bus with them after the show.

A very good band that only put out 2 records. You lucked upon a great find there.
Same band. "But you're so high... no, man, I done told you I ain't high..." lol, loved that song. It was hysterical.


"Look at your eyes!" :lol: If I had a dollar for everytime that was said to me.... :heh:

Thanks for the back up on this, I remembered the cover, but wasn't sure about the band.... :)
