WTF, has Stormblast (original) always been this good?

MadeInNewJersey said:
No, really, there are several outstanding tracks on this album.

Do people like this one, or is it For All Tid and nothing else?
people like the first two or they're gay and lying. i think stormblåst is better than for all tid
Really? Cool. I'm seriously shocked at how good it is. I can't stop playing it. If I have any complaint it's that some of the (best) riffs seem to be used in more than 1 song, or they're damned close. I've been drinking bourbon though, so maybe ignore me.

I also love the piano instrumental track that they apparently stole from some composer? :lol:

I guess it's taken off the 2005 re-recording. But whatever, I like it a lot too.