WTF Reaper


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
So, I'm trying to work on some new (old) material. Dug up some old songs and trying to re-learn some of the parts. So, I find the Reaper session file and for some reason it has everything BUT the one lead/overdubbed part I'm looking for. The track got rendered to .WAV and I have the full song/mix, but I just cannot find the one single track that I'm having trouble figuring out. Whyyyyy?!?! Maybe I somehow deleted just that track? This was like a year ago I made the song. Frustrating.
You probably had it rendered or glued or just placed in the REAPER media folder.

You know, the one you empty out at the end of every project AFTER you consolidate all your files.

You consolidated, right?
I don't know.....Like I said it was about a year ago when i actually recorded this. Its not biggie and it sure isn't Reapers fault. I feel bad for making this thread in my pissed off moment.....